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يوجد 1675 نتيجة

  • UNHCR Briefing Note: On-going violence in Nigeria continues to displace people to neighbouring countries

    news UNHCR, 17 Oct 2014 (9 years ago )
    As insurgent groups intensify their campaign of rebellion and terror in Nigeria’s north-eastern states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe, Nigerian refugees have been fleeing across the border into northern Cameroon, Niger and Chad. In the last two months, the number of new arrivals has increased significan...
  • Chad: Nigerians flee from insurgent attacks into Chad

    news UNHCR, 13 Aug 2014 (9 years ago )
    Some thousand people fleeing attacks by Boko Haram on the Nigerian city of Kolikolia, in Borno State, arrived last Thursday on the uninhabited island of Choua in Lake Chad. The island lies in Chadian waters about four kilometres from where the borders of Chad, Nigeria and Niger intersect. Refugee...
  • Chad: Humanitarian community responds as hundreds flee Nigeria

    news OCHA, 13 Aug 2014 (9 years ago )
    UN humanitarian agencies in Chad have assisted nearly 1,000 people who fled violence in north-eastern Nigeria in the past week. The Government of Chad contacted the UN on Friday 1 August with reports that hundreds of people crossed from Nigeria into Chad’s largely inaccessible Lake Chad border re...
  • How UNHCR assists nomadic refugees

    news http://www.irinnews.org/report/99096/beyond-boundaries-how-to-help-nomadic-refugees, 11 Nov 2013 (10 years ago )
    The mass exodus of pastoralist populations from northern Mali during the 2012 conflict has spurred aid groups to explore new approaches to helping both people and their animals. IRIN spoke to UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) teams in Niger and Mauritania about how they help these nomadic refugees.
  • UNHCR Burkina Faso: Workshop on Improving Health Assistance to Refugees Ouagadougou, 1 to 2 October, 2013

    news UNHCR Burkina Faso, 06 Oct 2013 (10 years ago )
    On the 1 and 2 October, UNHCR organized a health workshop, which involved the refugees, governmental health authorities and NGO partners to discuss and debate how to improve the health care and medical services provided to refugees as well as to host communities neighboring refugee sites in Burkina ...
  • UNHCR Burkina Faso: Launch of Food and Cash Transfers by UNHCR-WFP Sag-nioniogo camp on 21 and 22 August, 2013

    news UNHCR Burkina Faso, 21 Aug 2013 (10 years ago )
    On the 21 and 22 August, 2013, WFP with support from UNHCR launched the cash-transfers mixed with food distribution in Sag-nioniogo camp. This new way of distributing food and cash results from a cash feasibility study undertaken jointly by UNHCR and WFP during the Food Assessment done in April 2...
  • UNHCR Burkina Faso: Goudoubo Refugee Commitee Workshop - 20 to 22 August

    news UNHCR Burkina Faso, 20 Aug 2013 (10 years ago )
    From the 20 to 22 of August, a workshop was organized for the newly elected refugee committees of Goudoubo by UNHCR and IEDA-Relief in order to continue their capacity-building and ensure an effective community based management of camps. The training included principles of coordination and admin...
  • UNHCR Burkina Faso: Launch Biometric Registration Level III in Burkina Faso on the 19 August, 2013

    news UNHCR Burkina Faso, 19 Aug 2013 (10 years ago )
    On the 19 August 2013, UNHCR and the Government of Burkina Faso represented by the CONAREF (Commission Nationale Pour les Réfugiés), in collaboration with several implementing partners, launched the Biometric Registration Level III of Refugees residing in Burkina Faso at the Refugee Community Center...
  • UNHCR Burkina Faso: UNHCR promotes re-forestation in the Sahel Region of Burkina Faso

    news UNHCR Burkina Faso, 16 Aug 2013 (10 years ago )
    On the 16 August, 2013, UNHCR, with the participation of CONAREF, the NGO HELP-Germany, OCADES and the Direction Régionale de l’Environement et du Développement Durable, launched the beginning of a re-forestation exercise in order to improve the environment of the host population that have so warmly...
  • UNHCR Burkina Faso: Ensuring the Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Camps in Burkina Faso

    news UNHCR Burkina Faso, 14 Aug 2013 (10 years ago )
    In conformity with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between the UNHCR and the Burkina Faso Government through the CONAREF (Commission Nationale pour les Réfugiés) early 2013 on the Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Asylum, UNHCR trained the security personnel that are stationed in t...