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يوجد 1675 نتيجة

  • Failure to help farmers in northeast Nigeria could open door to radicalisation: U.N.

    news REUTERS, 10 Aug 2016 (7 years ago )
    ROME (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Farmers in Nigeria's crisis-hit northeast urgently need help to start growing crops again, the U.N. food agency said on Tuesday, warning that a failure to get people back on their feet could open the door to radicalisation. An insurgency by Boko Haram militants...
  • Au Mali, cinq soldats portés disparus après une attaque.

    news Le Monde, 09 Aug 2016 (7 years ago )
    Au moins cinq soldats maliens sont portés disparus depuis une attaque dans la région de Mopti, dans le centre du Mali, a déclaré à l’AFP une source militaire malienne qui l’a attribuée au groupe jihadiste malien Ansar Dine. Cette attaque a visé « une de nos positions lundi entre les localités de ...
  • Mali : un casque bleu tué et quatre autres blessés par une mine près de Kidal

    news FRANCE 24, 08 Aug 2016 (7 years ago )
    L'explosion d'une mine dans la région de Kidal, au Mali, a touché un véhicule de l'ONU et tué un casque bleu tchadien, dimanche. Quatre autres soldats ont été blessés. Un soldat de la Mission de l'ONU au Mali (Minusma) est décédé, dimanche 7 août, et quatre autres blessés, après l'explosion d'une...
  • Feature Aid and Policy “The new terrible” Lake Chad region in desperate need

    news IRIN, 04 Aug 2016 (7 years ago )
    A deepening but often overlooked humanitarian crisis in West Africa’s Lake Chad region has been described “as the new terrible” by the UN’s top relief official, Stephen O’Brien. Of the region’s 20 million people, 9.2 million are now in need of life-saving assistance, while severe acute malnutriti...
  • 244,000 hungry children The Boko Haram insurgency has led to a food crisis the extent of which is only now being uncovered

    news IRIN, 04 Aug 2016 (7 years ago )
    After his father, a welder from Bama, died in a camp for internally displaced people in Nigeria’s northeastern city of Maiduguri, 17-year-old Dauda began to cater for the two wives and eight other children who had survived him. Aided by the little money donated by one of the locals bringing food to ...
  • Patrimoine de Tombouctou : Abdel Kader Haïdara, un héros si discret

    news Jeune Afrique, 04 Aug 2016 (7 years ago )
    Lorsque les jihadistes ont occupé Tombouctou, Abdel Kader Haïdara a sauvé près de 400 000 manuscrits. Un engagement salué dans une enquête passionnante menée par Joshua Hammer.
  • Aid groups fear hold up in relief as UN suspends aid in Nigeria after attack

    news Reuters, 02 Aug 2016 (7 years ago )
    By Kieran Guilbert DAKAR, July 29 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Major aid agencies in northeast Nigeria said on Friday their operations could be hampered after an attack on a humanitarian convoy prompted the United Nations to temporarily suspend aid deliveries in Borno state, the former strongho...
  • UNICEF pledges continued aid effort in Nigeria after convey attack

    news Reuters, 02 Aug 2016 (7 years ago )
    LAGOS, July 30 (Reuters) - United Nations children's agency UNICEF said it is continuing its aid work in northeastern Nigeria, a former stronghold of Islamist militant group Boko Haram, despite an attack on a humanitarian convoy earlier this week. The U.N. agency said late on Friday that it "cont...
  • Mali:L'état d'urgence au Mali prorogé de huit mois, jusqu'à fin mars 2017

    news Romandie News, 01 Aug 2016 (7 years ago )
    L'état d'urgence en vigueur au Mali, et qui devait expirer dimanche, a été prorogé de huit mois, jusqu'au 29 mars 2017, par l'Assemblée nationale réunie samedi en session extraordinaire, a appris l'AFP de sources officielles. Le projet de loi prorogeant cette mesure, qui avait été adopté vendredi...
  • Lake Chad: MSF Crisis Info - July 2016

    news MSF, 01 Aug 2016 (7 years ago )
    The Lake Chad basin has in recent years become an important epicentre of violence, its population suffering intensified attacks by the Islamic State’s West Africa Province (ISWAP), also known as Boko Haram. At the end of 2014, ISWAP’s violence expanded from northeast Nigeria to Cameroon, Chad and Ni...