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يوجد 1675 نتيجة

  • U.N. suspends aid in Nigeria's Borno state after attack on convoy

    news REUTERS, 29 Jul 2016 (7 years ago )
    The United Nations has temporarily suspended aid deliveries in Nigeria's northeastern state of Borno, the former stronghold of jihadists Boko Haram, after a humanitarian convoy was attacked, the U.N. children's agency UNICEF said on Thursday. UNICEF said in a statement that unknown assailants att...
  • Niger : la FMM a lancé une vaste offensive contre Boko Haram sur les rives du lac Tchad

    news JEUNE AFRIQUE, 28 Jul 2016 (7 years ago )
    Cela faisait des semaines qu'une grande offensive contre Boko Haram était attendue. Les troupes du Niger du Bénin, du Nigeria, du Tchad et du Cameroun réunis dans la Force multinationale mixte (FMM) avancent de concert pour acculer les terroristes retranchés sur les rives du lac Tchad. Depuis l’att...
  • L’ONU préoccupée par Boko Haram

    news BBC, 28 Jul 2016 (7 years ago )
    Les Nations unies disent être inquiétées par les violences "inimaginables", commises par Boko Haram au Nigeria. Les actions du groupe djihadiste ont contraint des milliers de personnes à fuir leur lieu d'habitation, ce qui les oblige à avoir besoin d'une aide humanitaire, a déclaré, devant le conse...
  • Regional armies struggle in last push against Boko Haram

    news Reuters, 27 Jul 2016 (7 years ago )
    By Joe Bavier DIFFA, Niger (Reuters) - "You'll all be able to go home soon. Boko Haram is nearly finished," Niger's Interior Minister Mohamed Bazoum told a crowd of refugees seated quietly on dusty, sun-baked flats. His words of optimism were belied by the dozens-strong security detail require...
  • Cameroon: Peace, security still a far cry in the North

    news africanews, 27 Jul 2016 (7 years ago )
    A year after the suicide attack in the northern Cameroon town of Maroua on 25 July, 2015 that left 33 people dead, residents of the town’s district of Pont Vert are remembering the victims. They organized a silent march in the city’s streets from the Pont Vert area, where a female suicide bomber ...
  • Boko Haram blamed for humanitarian crisis in Nigerian state

    news CNN, 26 Jul 2016 (7 years ago )
    (CNN) —A frail woman hesitates for a moment before handing over her sick child to a nurse. "This child cannot stand," says another medic as the severely malnourished boy is carried to the intensive care unit at the Gwange therapeutic feeding center on the outskirts of Maiduguri, the capital of Ni...
  • Armies of Niger, Chad and Cameroon Struggle Against Boko Haram

    news Reuters, 26 Jul 2016 (7 years ago )
    Diffa: “You’ll all be able to go home soon. Boko Haram is nearly finished,” Niger’s interior minister Mohamed Bazoum told a crowd of refugees seated quietly on dusty, sun-baked flats. His words of optimism were belied by the dozens-strong security detail required to protect him as he toured his c...
  • EU announces €145 million in humanitarian aid for seven countries in the Sahel

    news European Commision, 14 Jul 2016 (7 years ago )
    Today the European Commission has announced over €145 million in humanitarian assistance for Africa's Sahel region in 2016 to address the basic needs of the populations, tackle malnutrition and provide food to the most vulnerable people. "Saving lives continues to be the EU's first priority in Ni...
  • Boko Haram: Nigerian military reopens key Borno road after 3 years

    news TV360 Nigeria, 08 Jul 2016 (8 years ago )
    The Nigerian Army has reopened the Maiduguri-Dikwa-Gamboru road three years after it was closed as a result of the Boko Haram insurgency. In 2013, at the peak of Boko Haram activities in Borno, the road was closed to motorists. Gov. Kashim Shettima of Borno State, accompanied by the Chief of Army ...
  • MNJTF Arrests 24 Boko Haram Terrorists

    news Leadership, 30 Jun 2016 (8 years ago )
    The Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) yesterday said it has arrested 24 fleeing insurgents along the Cameroonian borders. A statement by the spokesman of the task force, Muhammed Dole, said the terrorists attempted to escape the combined onslaught of Nigerian troops and the MNJTF within and ...