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يوجد 132 نتيجة

  • To offer alternatives to dangerous journeys to Europe, UNHCR seeks support for a comprehensive strategy with interventions at three different points: in the countries of origin and transit in sub-Saharan Africa, in North Africa, and in the destination countries in Europe.
    highlight 18 Jul 2017 (6 years ago)
    / Various - Refugees/Migrants
  • UNHCR, UNICEF and IRC issue a roadmap for action to improve the situation of unaccompanied and separated children in Europe: efficient and harmonized processes are needed so that children can understand procedures and access protection and solutions in accordance with their best interests.
    highlight 10 Jul 2017 (7 years ago)
    / Various - Refugees/Migrants
  • A UNHCR study finds that around half of those travelling to Libya do so believing they can find jobs there, but end up fleeing onwards to Europe to escape life-threatening insecurity, instability, difficult economic conditions plus widespread exploitation and abuse.
    highlight 03 Jul 2017 (7 years ago)
    / Various - Refugees/Migrants
  • Sea arrivals in Italy are a matter of international concern, requiring a joined-up, comprehensive regional approach. Europe in particular needs to be fully involved through an urgent distribution system, increased external engagement and additional legal pathways of admission.
    highlight 01 Jul 2017 (7 years ago)
    / Various - Refugees/Migrants
  • On World Refugee Day, new shipwrecks in the Mediterranean are a reminder of the grave dangers that people confront when forced to flee their countries because of war and persecution.
    highlight 20 Jun 2017 (7 years ago)
    / Various - Refugees/Migrants
  • UNHCR calls for broader regional responsibility sharing responses for disembarkation to be developed urgently.
    highlight 11 Jun 2017 (7 years ago)
    / Various - Refugees/Migrants
  • New measures on both sides of the Central Mediterranean Sea to seriously combat trafficking are needed.
    highlight 11 Jun 2017 (7 years ago)
    / Various - Refugees/Migrants
  • Since the beginning of 2017, one person out of 35 has died on the sea journey from Libya to Italy.
    highlight 07 May 2017 (7 years ago)
    / Various - Refugees/Migrants
  • In 2016, NGOs rescued more than 46,000 people in the central Mediterranean, representing over 26 per cent of all rescue operations. This trend continues, reaching 33 per cent since the beginning of the year.
    highlight 07 May 2017 (7 years ago)
    / Various - Refugees/Migrants
  • The increasing numbers of passengers on board vessels used by traffickers are the main cause of shipwrecks in the Central Mediterranean, and risks are increased by the worsening quality of vessels and the increasing use of rubber boats instead of wooden ones.
    highlight 07 May 2017 (7 years ago)
    / Various - Refugees/Migrants