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يوجد 1675 نتيجة

  • Cameroun: Fotokol sous le choc après l'attaque sanglante de Boko Haram

    news RFI, 06 Feb 2015 (9 years ago )
    Fotokol est toujours sous le choc deux jours après la contre-offensive lancée par Boko Haram. La secte islamiste a massacré plusieurs centaines de personnes, majoritairement des civils, dans cette ville camerounaise frontalière avec le Nigeria. Mardi, l'armée tchadienne avait franchi la frontière po...
  • UPDATE 1-Nigeria's Boko Haram has up to 6,000 hardcore militants -U.S. officials

    news Reuters, 06 Feb 2015 (9 years ago )
    Feb 6 (Reuters) - The Islamist militant group, Boko Haram, which is fighting a violent insurgency in northeast Nigeria, has about 4,000-6,000 "hardcore" fighters, U.S. intelligence officials said on Friday. In an assessment of the group, whose five-year uprising has included massacres and kidnapp...
  • Boko Haram massacre reported in Cameroon town

    news Al Jazeera and Agencies, 05 Feb 2015 (9 years ago )
    Sources in Fotokol say attackers killed more than 100 people as regional countries weigh offensive against group. Boko Haram fighters have killed more than 100 people in the north Cameroon town of Fotokol, murdering residents inside their homes and a mosque, according to a local civic leader. ...
  • Cameroon Says 91 Killed in Boko Haram Attacks

    news Voice of America, 05 Feb 2015 (9 years ago )
    Cameroon says at least 91 civilians have been killed by Boko Haram since the Nigerian militants invaded Cameroonian villages on Wednesday. Defense Minister Edgard Alain Ngo told a VOA reporter, Moki Edwin Kindzeka, that six Cameroonian soldiers and 13 Chadian soldiers have also died in clashes wi...
  • Nord du Mali: nouveaux combats pour le contrôle de Tabankort

    news RFI, 05 Feb 2015 (9 years ago )
    Au Mali, de nouveaux combats ont éclaté mercredi 4 février entre des groupes rebelles et pro-gouvernementaux non loin de Tabankort, entre Gao et Kidal. Pendant quelques heures ce mercredi, rebelles et groupes armés pro-gouvernement malien se sont à nouveau affrontés. Les seconds ont même avancé à...
  • Boko Haram: l’armée nigérienne se prépare à intervenir au Nigeria

    news RFI, 05 Feb 2015 (9 years ago )
    RFI/ Nicolas Champeaux Deux mille soldats tchadiens sont actuellement positionnés à Bosso à la frontière nigéro-nigériane, juste en face de la localité de Malam Fatori, tenue par Boko Haram. Les Tchadiens n'ont pas encore attaqué la secte islamiste sur ce front nord, mais l'armée nigérienne se pr...
  • Nigerian refugee children lose family in the desperate dash for safety

    news UNHCR, 05 Feb 2015 (9 years ago )
    Thousands of people forcibly displaced by militants in north eastern Nigeria are still dealing with the trauma of the conflict , among them many children. DAR ES SALAM CAMP, CHAD, February 5 (UNHCR) – Since militants attacked the Nigerian town of Baga a month ago, more than 14,000 people have fou...
  • Après le Cameroun, Boko Haram menace le Niger

    news Africatime.com/MondAfrique, 04 Feb 2015 (9 years ago )
    Alors que la tension est extrêmement vive à Diffa, la région orientale du Niger, à deux pas de la zone où sévit la secte islamiste Boko Haram, les autorités nigérianes, plus cyniques que jamais, tentent de débaucher des électeurs parmi les réfugiés, à moins de deux semaines de l’élection présidentie...
  • Chad military claims killing Boko Haram fighters

    news Al Jazeera/AFP, 04 Feb 2015 (9 years ago )
    Chad army says 200 rebels and nine of its soldiers killed in clashes in Nigerian rebel-controlled town of Gamboru. Clashes between Chadian troops and Boko Haram fighters during a raid on a northeastern Nigerian town have killed 200 fighters and nine soldiers, Chad's military says. "We regret n...
  • Chad forces launch fierce assault on Boko Haram

    news Al Jazeera, 03 Feb 2015 (9 years ago )
    Fighter jets bomb positions of Nigeria's armed group in the town of Gamboru, seized several months ago by the fighters. Chadian aircraft have struck Boko Haram positions in the Nigerian border town of Gamboru for a second straight day, witnesses in a neighbouring town said. Two military helico...