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يوجد 1675 نتيجة

  • Boko Haram sème la terreur dans l'État de Borno

    news Le Point, 12 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    Les insurgés ont perpétré leur attaque la plus meurtrière. Depuis l'enlèvement des filles de Chibok, ils ne cessent de gagner du terrain. Explication. Par CLAIRE MEYNIAL Quelle est la stratégie de Boko Haram et que veulent-ils ? Auparavant, les djihadistes se contentaient de raids éclair. Auj...
  • Suicide Bomber Hits Maiduguri Market as Global Outrage Trails Baga Massacre

    news This Day Live, 11 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    Military repels attack on Damaturu, says it is studying situation in Baga for appropriate response Jonathan, Kerry hold phone conversation on security By Damilola Oyedele, Senator Iroegbu in Abuja and Michael Olugbode in Maduguri A major market in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state,...
  • Deaths in Nigeria child suicide bombings

    news Al Jazeera, 11 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    At least six people have been killed after two suspected child suicide bombers blew themselves up in a market in northeast Nigeria, witnesses say. Sunday's assault was the second attack involving young girls strapped with explosives. The blasts struck around mid-afternoon at an open market sel...
  • Boko Haram met à feu et à sang le nord du Nigeria

    news Le Monde, 11 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    Plus de quinze villages voisins attaqués en quelques jours, « des centaines de corps jonchant le sol » décrits par les rares survivants à avoir atteint des villes de la région : autour de Baga, dans l’extrême nord-est du Nigeria, un massacre d’une ampleur inédite vient d’être commis en l’espace de p...
  • Cameroon Lawmakers to Demand Improved anti-Boko Haram Strategy

    news Voice of America, 11 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    Cameroon lawmakers will demand that President Paul Biya’s government outline a detailed security plan to prevent the frequent attacks on civilians by the Nigeria-based Islamist militant group Boko Haram. Member of Parliament Joseph Banadzem says the demand will be made when the legislature reconv...
  • Boko Haram invades Damaturu again

    news The nation, 10 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    FOR the second time in a month, Boko Haram insurgents invaded Damaturu, the capital of Yobe State. Most telecommunications networks were cut off as at press time with residents in emergency lock-up. But the insurgents were repelled last night by troops and other security agents. While Damaturu was b...
  • Troops battle to route out Boko Haram in Baga – FG

    news The Nigerian Voice, 10 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    The Federal Government has assured that Nigerian military had launched a serious offensive against the Boko Haram militants in its efforts to reclaim Baga and other parts of Borno State that had come under the control of terror sect. Coordinator of the National Information Centre, Mr. Mike Omeri,...
  • Nigeria : «Sur cinq kilomètres, je n'ai pas arrêté de marcher sur des cadavres»

    news Libération (AFP), 10 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    Un témoin, qui a survécu samedi 3 janvier à une attaque de Boko Haram près du lac Tchad, témoigne de la violence du groupe islamiste. Des tirs, des hurlements, puis une fuite nocturne à travers la brousse jonchée de cadavres. Yanaye Grema est resté terré trois jours pendant que les combattants de...
  • Nigeria: Corpses Litter Bushes in Baga As More IDPs Seek Refuge in Maiduguri

    news allAfrica, 09 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    By Kareem Haruna Hundreds of unattended corpses - mostly those of children and the aged who could not run when the Boko Haram came calling on the fishing community - littered the bushes around Baga town, as those who are lucky to be alive made their way into Maiduguri, the state capital. The Bok...
  • NEMA flags off distribution of relief materials to Gombe IDPs

    news Peoples Daily, 09 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    From David Hassan, Gombe The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has donated relief materials in order to alleviate the suffering of the internal displaced person in Gombe state. Donating the relief materials yesterday in Gombe, on behalf of the Director- General of the agency, Alhaji ...