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يوجد 1675 نتيجة

  • Boko Haram Violence In Nigeria Forces 13,000 People To Flee To Cameroon - UN

    news Daily Times Nigeria, 12 Nov 2014 (9 years ago )
    BY AUGUSTINE AMINU The UN Refugee Agency on Tuesday said violence by Boko Haram insurgents in Nigeria’s northeast continues to send thousands of refugees across the border into neighbouring Cameroon. UN High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR), said that some 13,000 Nigerian refugees crossed from...
  • Nigeria: Exclusive - Boko Haram Sacks Entire Nigerian Army Battalion, Confiscates All Arms, Ammunition

    news Premium Times/allAfrica, 12 Nov 2014 (9 years ago )
    The terrorists arrived suddenly at 4:00 p.m. that ill-fated Wednesday, November 5, catching the Nigerian soldiers and their commanders off-guard. As they invaded the headquarters of the 174 Battalion, Abadan Local Government Area of Borno State, located close to the Nigerian border with Niger, the B...
  • Six localités camerounaises attaquées simultanément par Boko Haram

    news Le Monde.fr avec AFP, 11 Nov 2014 (9 years ago )
    Des hommes du groupe islamiste armé nigérian Boko Haram ont attaqué dimanche 9 novembre six localités du nord du Cameroun quasi simultanément, a indiqué une source au sein du ministère de la défense. A Fotokol, à proximité du lac Tchad, au moins trois civils ont été tués. Le bilan global de ces a...
  • Continuing violence by Boko Haram in Nigeria forces 13,000 people to flee into Cameroon

    news UNHCR, 11 Nov 2014 (9 years ago )
    Violence by Boko Haram insurgents in Nigeria’s northeast continues to send thousands of refugees across the border into neighbouring Cameroon. According to Cameroonian authorities, some 13,000 Nigerian refugees crossed from Adamawa state after insurgents attacked and captured the town of Mubi in lat...
  • UNHCR’s Nansen Refugee Award 2015 – call for nominations // Édition de 2015 de la Distinction Nansen pour les réfugiés – Appel à proposition...

    news UNHCR, 11 Nov 2014 (9 years ago )
    Dear colleagues, I am pleased to inform you that we have opened the nominations cycle for the 2015 Nansen Refugee Award selection process, and I would like to personally encourage all colleagues and offices to submit a nomination. Each year we recognize extraordinary and dedicated service...
  • Nigeria school assembly in Potiskum hit by blast

    news BBC, 10 Nov 2014 (9 years ago )
    At least 47 students have been killed by a suicide bomber at a school assembly in the north-east Nigerian town of Potiskum, police have said. The explosion happened at a boys' science and technical school in the town. Militant group Boko Haram is believed to have caused the blast, police said....
  • Nigeria: Military Keeps Mum After 315 Nigerian Troops Flee to Niger

    news all Africa, 10 Nov 2014 (9 years ago )
    By Senator Iroegbu The Nigerian military has elected to keep silent on news reports at the weekend that the Islamist extremist group Boko Haram seized control of Malam Fatori, a Borno town near the Nigerien border, leading soldiers to flee into the country. The insurgents were said to have taken...
  • Mali: au moins deux civils blessés par l'explosition d'une mine dans le Nord

    news AFP, 10 Nov 2014 (9 years ago )
    Au moins deux civils ont été blessés samedi par l’explosion d'une mine dans le nord-est du Mali, a affirmé à l'AFP une source sécuritaire africaine. Un "camion transportant des civils a sauté ce samedi sur une mine vers la localité d'Aguelhoc. Le bilan provisoire est d'au moins deux civils gravem...
  • Nigeria : 47 élèves tués dans un nouvel attentat dans le nord

    news Afrik.com, 10 Nov 2014 (9 years ago )
    PAR ASSANATOU BALDÉ Au moins 47 élèves d’un établissement du nord du Nigeria ont été tués dans un attentat, ce lundi matin. Le bilan pourrait bien s’alourdir. Le groupe terroriste Boko Haram est soupçonné d’être derrière cette sanglante attaque. Le nord du Nigeria de nouveau frappé par un atte...
  • Nigeria: Updated - Potiskum Attack: Death Toll Hits 48 As Medics Call for Blood Donation

    news allAfrica.com, 10 Nov 2014 (9 years ago )
    By Hamza Idris, Maiduguri & Hamisu Kabir Matazu, Damaturu Death toll from the blast at Government Science Secondary School, Potiskum in Yobe State this morning has risen to 48, witnesses and hospital sources said. A teacher from the school had earlier told Daily Trust he counted 30 dead bodies. ...