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يوجد 4115 نتيجة

  • KNU delegates talk peace to Burma’s commander-in-chief

    news Karen News, 04 Oct 2013 (10 years ago )
    The head of Burma’s military met with members of the Karen armed resistance in the country’s capital to discuss how the ceasefire between the two could be progressed. The meeting is seen by ethnic leaders as a move by the government to acknowledge the Karen National Union (KNU) as a necessary com...
  • Peace process will lead to national reconciliation, says Thein Sein

    news Democratic Voice of Burma, 02 Oct 2013 (10 years ago )
    In his monthly radio address to the nation on 1 October, Burma’s President Thein Sein emphasised the current round of peace talks with ethnic groups, saying that the peace process was related to a long-term plan aimed at realizing national reconciliation. Thein Sein’s monthly speech was aired on ...
  • Most Burmese Refugees in Thailand Don’t Want Return: Survey

    news Irrawaddy, 01 Oct 2013 (10 years ago )
    Nine out of 10 refugees on the Thai-Burma border would prefer to resettle in third countries or stay in Thailand instead of being repatriated to Burma, according to a recent survey by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. More than 120,000 refugees have been living outside Burma in camps on the ...
  • Mon Leader Says Equality Key to Peace in Burma

    news Irrawaddy, 30 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    MOULMEIN — Burma’s ethnic minorities will not attempt to secede from the union if granted equal rights, according to the ethnic Mon pro-democracy leader Min Ko Naing, who spoke during a landmark Mon peace conference over the weekend. Min Ko Naing, who was born in Mudon Township, Mon State, made t...
  • Government vows to settle 2 seized-land cases daily

    news Mizzima, 30 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    The newly formed Land Utilization Management Central Committee led by Vice President U Nyan Tun has vowed to settle all complains of seized land reported to the committee, within a year. The announcement was made at a press conference, held at the Ingyin Hall of the Ministry of Environmental Rese...
  • Myanmar refugees arrive via U.N. resettlement plan

    news Japan Times, 28 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    CHIBA – Four families from Myanmar arrived Friday night in Tokyo on a pilot U.N. refugee resettlement program introduced in fiscal 2010. The families are from ethnic minorities in Myanmar and had been living in a refugee camp in Thailand, across the border. After a 180-day vocational and Japanese...
  • Karen Refugees in Thailand Wary of Return to Burma

    news Voice of America, 26 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    BANGKOK — Despite Burma’s political opening in recent years, most of the roughly 130,000 Burmese refugees in Thailand are not expecting to return any time soon. A first-of-its kind U.N. survey of refugees indicates that many remain wary of heading back across the border. A pilot socioeconomic sur...
  • ASEAN drug-related meeting to adopt regional drug control strategies

    news Xinhua, 25 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    The 34th ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Drug Matters (ASOD), which Myanmar hosts for the second time, kicked off in Yangon Tuesday to seek adoption of drug control strategies in the region. The four-day meeting is attended by officials from the ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN member countries, repres...
  • MP pushes for landmine victims welfare fund

    news Mizzima, 24 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    Lower house MP U Nyan Win Swe from Kyauk Kyi Township informed Mizzima that he will submit a proposal to allocate special funds for landmine victims welfare. “I will submit the proposal to the Bago Government Council through township administrators to allocate special funding for people disabled ...
  • Ethnic peace forum concludes with call for nationwide ceasefire

    news Democratic Voice of Burma, 23 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    Shan, Karenni and Mon delegates have concluded a three-day meeting in Taunggyi by issuing a statement calling for a nationwide ceasefire and ethnic rights. The Trust-building for Peace Forum was held on 21– 23 September, and was attended by a total of 331 individuals including representatives of ...