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يوجد 1675 نتيجة

  • Boko Haram ups its pressure on Niger

    news IRIN, 06 Jul 2017 (7 years ago )
    There has been a worrying upsurge in Boko Haram violence in Niger’s southeastern Diffa region, adding to the caseload of an already underfunded humanitarian crisis.
  • Niger army kills 14 displaced people mistaken for jihadists: official

    news NEWS24, 06 Jul 2017 (7 years ago )
    Niamey - Niger's army has killed 14 displaced people who were mistaken for jihadists in the restive southeast where Boko Haram Islamists have staged regular attacks, a local official said on Thursday. "It's an error by the military that cost the lives of 14 civilians... refugees and displaced peo...
  • NASS decries forceful repatriation of Nigerian refugees in Cameroon

    news Vanguard Nigeria, 03 Jul 2017 (7 years ago )
    Abuja – Rep. Sani Zorro, Chairman, House Committee on IDPs, Refugees and North-East Initiatives, on Monday, decried the forceful repatriation of Nigerian refugees in Cameroon. Zorro said this when Volker Turk, the United Nation Humanitarian Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), Assistant High Commission...
  • Rainy season brings disease to Lake Chad Crisis

    news Reliefweb, 03 Jul 2017 (7 years ago )
    Nigeria, Niger and Chad face the risk of a disease outbreak as the rainy season starts in the Lake Chad Basin. 2.4 million people are already displaced due to the ongoing conflict with Boko Haram and the military operations to counter them, and the rains are set to make the humanitarian situation ev...
  • Boko Haram suspected in deadly Niger attack

    news Aljazeera, 03 Jul 2017 (7 years ago )
    Nine people killed, about 40 people abducted in a village near Niger's southeastern city of Diffa, officials say.
  • Afrique de l'Ouest Key Message Update, Juin 2017 : Besoin d'accroître l’assistance humanitaire dans le bassin du Lac Tchad

    news Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWS NET), 30 Jun 2017 (7 years ago )
    Messages clés Dans le nord-est du Nigeria, l’amélioration continue des conditions sécuritaires favorise le retour croissant de personnes déplacées et de réfugiés ainsi que l’amélioration des flux marchands. L’aide humanitaire a aussi connu une augmentation de volume, mais demeure insuffisante pou...
  • UNHCR Press Release

    news UNHCR, 29 Jun 2017 (7 years ago )
    Involuntary refugee returns to Nigeria must be avoided - UNHCR   UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is alarmed over a fresh incident of forced returns of refugees from Cameroon into northeast Nigeria. This follows similar incidents earlier in the year, and more recently, repeated warnings that refugees ...
  • As the world tightens the screws on refugees, hundreds of Nigerians are deported to a bombed-out hellscape

    news Washington Post, 29 Jun 2017 (7 years ago )
    NAIROBI — President Trump's travel ban, which goes into effect Thursday night, will temporarily bar refugees and some foreign visitors over national security concerns. Other countries are also imposing new restrictions on refugees — in extreme cases, even physically forcing them back over the border...
  • IDP camps under strain from returning refugees

    news Vanguard Nigeria, 29 Jun 2017 (7 years ago )
    An upsurge in Boko Haram attacks and returnees from Cameroon are stretching camps for those made homeless by the conflict to breaking point, as the UN warned against forcing people back to northeast Nigeria. Obinna Orjingene is a doctor for UNICEF in the town of Banki, near the border with Cameroon,...
  • They fled Boko Haram and famine — and then they were forced back

    news Washingtonpost, 28 Jun 2017 (7 years ago )
    BANKI, Nigeria — The soldiers arrived in the middle of the night, tearing through the village of Nigerian refugees, barging into stick huts where families slept in knots on the floor. For years, those refugees had been on the run from Boko Haram insurgents, finally escaping across a dried riverbed...