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  • Gambia's new President sworn in; incumbent won't step down

    news CNN, 19 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    By Bryony Jones and Ben Westcott, CNN Updated 1724 GMT (0124 HKT) January 19, 2017 (CNN)Adama Barrow was sworn in Thursday as Gambia's new President at the West African nation's embassy in neighboring Senegal while incumbent Yahya Jammeh has refused to step down from office. Foreign diplomats...
  • Gambia: Security Council backs regional efforts to ensure peaceful transfer of power to Barrow

    news UN News Centre, 19 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    19 January 2017 – Urging all Gambian parties to respect the outcome of the 1 December election recognizing Adama Barrow as the country’s President-elect, the United Nations Security Council today expressed its support for the commitment of West African States to “ensure, by political means first, re...
  • Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on The Gambia

    news United Nations Secretary-General, 19 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Earlier today, the Secretary-General called Mr. Adama Barrow, the President of The Gambia, to discuss the latest developments in the country and to congratulate him on his inauguration. The Secretary-General expressed deep concern about the refusal of outgoing President Yahya Jammeh to step asid...
  • Security Endorses Recognition by African Union, Regional States, of Adama Barrow as President-Elect of Gambia, Unanimously Adopting 2337 (20...

    news UN Security Council, 19 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    SECURITY COUNCIL 7866TH MEETING (PM) SC/12688 19 JANUARY 2017 Text Asks Incumbent to Ensure Peaceful Transfer of Power in Line with Constitution The Security Council endorsed today the decisions of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union to recognize Adama ...
  • L'armée sénégalaise est en Gambie (armée)

    news Le Figaro, 19 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Par lefigaro.fr avec AFPMis à jour le 19/01/2017 à 19:53 Publié le 19/01/2017 à 19:26 Les troupes sénégalaises déployées aux frontières avec la Gambie en vue d'une opération ouest-africaine pour contraindre Yahya Jammeh à céder le pouvoir au nouveau président Adama Barrow sont entrées sur le sol ...
  • Adama Barrow sworn in as Gambia's president in Senegal

    news Al Jazeera, 19 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Adama Barrow, winner of December vote, is inaugurated in Dakar but longtime ruler Yahya Jammeh refuses to cede power. Troops from a bloc of West African countries have entered Gambia in support of Adama Barrow, shortly after the new Gambian president called for international backing following his...
  • Gambie: Barrow investi, les troupes ouest-africaines franchissent la frontière

    news RFI, 19 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Par RFI Publié le 19-01-2017 Modifié le 20-01-2017 à 03:02 Quelques heures après leur entrée en territoire gambien ce jeudi 19 janvier, les troupes de la Cédéao ont suspendu leur intervention militaire pour une dernière tentative de médiation. En fin d'après-midi, le nouveau président Adama Barro...
  • Statement by HRVP Mogherini on her phone conversation with President Adama Barrow of The Gambia

    news European Union External Action, 19 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Bruxelles, 19/01/2017 - 20:06 - UNIQUE ID: 170119_11 I just spoke with the new President of The Gambia, Adama Barrow, to congratulate him on his investiture this afternoon. I wished him every success for his mandate in full respect of the free will of the Gambian people expressed in the peaceful ...
  • Troops Enter Gambia, as New President Is Sworn In

    news New York Times, 19 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    DAKAR, Senegal — The political standoff in Gambia intensified on Thursday as foreign troops crossed the border with orders to dislodge a repressive leader who has refused to step down after losing a presidential election last month. Gambia’s erratic leader, Yahya Jammeh, seized power in a coup 22...
  • Joint ECOWAS-AU-UN Statement on the occasion of the swearing-in Ceremony of H.E. Adama Barrow, President-Elect of the Republic of the Gambia

    news ECOWAS, 19 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Joint ECOWAS-AU-UN Statement on the occasion of the swearing-in Ceremony of H.E. Adama Barrow, President-Elect of the Republic of the Gambia 19TH JANUARY 2017 The ECOWAS Commission, African Union and United Nations congratulate H.E. Adama Barrow, President of the Republic of The Gambia on the ...