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  • Gambie: Yahya Jammeh reste campé sur ses positions

    news RFI, 16 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Par RFI Publié le 16-01-2017 Modifié le 16-01-2017 à 08:02 Comme à son habitude, c’est vers 22 heures que l’allocution de Yahya Jammeh a été diffusée à la télévision nationale. Tout en restant ferme sur ses différentes positions, il appelle au respect de la Constitution gambienne et confirme avoi...
  • Gambians flee ahead of Barrow 'inauguration'

    news BBC, 16 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    A worker at The Gambia's main ferry crossing has told the BBC that thousands of people are fleeing every day as they are "afraid of war". "People are in chaos, people are leaving" as they don't know what is going to happen, he said. Adama Barrow won the election and an inauguration is planned ...
  • WFP Welcomes Korea’s Contribution to Its School Meals Programme in The Gambia

    news Daily Observer, 16 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    The Republic of Korea has contributed more than $US300, 000 to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)’s School Meals Programme in The Gambia. This will make it possible for WFP to expand its community based cash transfer to schools and reach up to 20,000 students with daily hot meals for eigh...
  • Crise en Gambie: le Maroc tente à son tour d'offrir une porte de sortie à Jammeh

    news RFI, 16 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Par RFI Publié le 16-01-2017 Modifié le 17-01-2017 à 05:08 C'est une médiation de la dernière chance que le Maroc tente auprès de Yahya Jammeh, après l'échec de l'initiative du Nigeria et de la Communauté économique des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Cédéao) pour convaincre Yahya Jammeh de céder le ...
  • Gambians flee to Senegal fearing war over Barrow inauguration

    news The Irish Times, 16 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Dictator Yahya Jammeh lost elections but may not concede presidency on Thursday Mon, Jan 16, 2017, 17:03 Updated: Mon, Jan 16, 2017, 17:23 Business is booming at Bundung bus station. Men, women and children pile into a battered minibus, while suitcases, flour sacks and a bicycle are hurriedly ...
  • Press Statement: ECOWAS Human Rights Day

    news ECOWAS, 16 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission wishes to congratulate the entire Community citizens on the occasion of the maiden celebration of the ECOWAS Human Rights Day. This celebration places a particular focus on the promotion and protection of women’s rights in all its ram...
  • Gambia President-elect Barrow 'to stay in Senegal until inauguration'

    news BBC, 15 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    The Gambia's President-elect Adama Barrow is to remain in Senegal until his planned inauguration on Thursday, state media in Senegal say. The move was requested by West African leaders after a summit in Mali, Senegalese news agency APS said. President Yahya Jammeh is currently refusing to step...
  • Crise en Gambie: des milliers de personnes fuient le pays craignant des troubles

    news RFI, 15 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Par RFI Publié le 15-01-2017 Modifié le 15-01-2017 à 01:15 Des milliers de personnes ont quitté la Gambie ces derniers jours craignant des troubles en raison de la crise politique qui secoue ce pays. Des Gambiens mais aussi des Sénégalais, des Mauritaniens, des Guinéens, et des Libériens qui part...
  • Gambia's President-elect arrives in Senegal after talks fail

    news Reuters, 15 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    By Emma Farge | DAKAR Gambia's President-elect Adama Barrow has left the country for neighboring Senegal, a coalition member and local media said on Sunday, a day after West African leaders failed to persuade President Yahya Jammeh to step aside. Barrow, a former real estate agent, won a Dec. 1 ...
  • Gambian citizens flee country over political unrest

    news Africa News, 15 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Dibie Ike Michael with AFP GAMBIA Prolonged political uncertainty and fear of unrest have pushed thousands of Gambians across the border into neighbouring Senegal and farther to Guinea-Bissau. The national coordinator for Guinea-Bissau’s refugee commission, Tibna Sambe Na Wana said more th...