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الترتيب حسب:
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South Sudan Situation Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRRP) 2017
تاريخ الانشاء: 9 January 2017 (8 years ago) -
UNHCR Weekly Operational Update 01 May 2020
documentThis weekly update provides key developments taking place in the Ethiopia refugee operation during the period of specified in the title bar aboveتاريخ النشر: 1 May 2020 (4 years ago)
تاريخ الانشاء: 2 May 2020 (4 years ago) -
UNHCR Ethiopia Fact Sheet November 2021
documentA monthly Operational Fact sheet providing major updates on 'strategic priority' sectors as well as highlights on key statistics, funding level, staffing, partnerships and more.تاريخ النشر: 20 December 2021 (3 years ago)
تاريخ الانشاء: 20 December 2021 (3 years ago) -
UNHCR Sub-Office Gambella, Infographics May 2018
documentUNHCR Sub-Office Gambella's monthly infographical population report with per-camp and age/gender breakdowns as well as arrival trendsتاريخ النشر: 31 May 2018 (6 years ago)
تاريخ الانشاء: 7 June 2018 (6 years ago) -
Pugnido Refugee Camp profile - Gambella, Ethiopia, May 2015
تاريخ الانشاء: 6 May 2015 (9 years ago) -
ETH SSD UPDATE 16 - 23 April
documentETH SSD UPDATE 16 - 23 Aprilتاريخ النشر: 23 April 2015 (9 years ago)
تاريخ الانشاء: 23 April 2015 (9 years ago) -
New arrivals in Gambella, Ethiopia as of 31st of March 2015
تاريخ الانشاء: 1 April 2015 (9 years ago) -
UNHCR Bi-weekly Operational Update 1-15 May 2019
documentThis biweekly update provides an overview of key highlights in the Ethiopia Refugee Response during the period 1-15 May 2019.تاريخ النشر: 21 May 2019 (5 years ago)
تاريخ الانشاء: 21 May 2019 (5 years ago) -
Overall Refugee Population in Gambella, Ethiopia as at 26th of June 2015
تاريخ الانشاء: 29 June 2015 (9 years ago) -
Regional South Sudan Situation Update May-June 2018
documentA monthly Regional Update for the South Sudan Situation compiled the Regional Service Centre with inputs from all countries hosting refugees from South Sudanتاريخ النشر: 30 June 2018 (6 years ago)
تاريخ الانشاء: 12 September 2018 (6 years ago)