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يوجد 824 نتيجة

  • CASH AND FUEL SHORTAGES DRIVING RESPONSE DELAYS – Persistent cash shortages is delaying assistance projects in all refugee locations, especially for procurement activities and the implementation of cash-based interventions. The situation is compounded by logistical delays due to ongoing fuel shortages. State authorities are working closely with partners to mitigate the situation and support activities where possible.situation and support activities where possible.
    highlight 30 Nov 2018 (5 years ago)
    South Sudan Sudan South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • TOTAL SOUTH SUDANESE REFUGEE POPULATION INCREASED TO 851,313 INDIVIDUALS, FOLLOWING RECEIPT OF UPDATED POPULATION STATISTICS – This revised figure incorporates updated statistics from finalized registration processes conducted by the Government of Sudan’s Immigration and Passport Police (IPP) in Gedaref, Al Gezira, Nile and Northern States. It also includes the increase of the out-of-the-camp population in White Nile State by 79,000 based on as inter-agency assessment targeting out-of-camp locations. The revised total population figure is reflected in the 2019-2020 Refugee Response Plan (RRP) and in the 2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). The revised figure will not affect RRP or HRP budgets, as refugee programming is based on assessed needs.
    highlight 30 Nov 2018 (5 years ago)
    South Sudan Sudan South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • PLAN INTERNATIONAL SUDAN (PIS) COMPLETES FIELD SURVEY ON SCHOOL DROP-OUT FOR REFUGEE AND HOST COMMUNITY CHILDREN IN AL KHOWEY LOCALITY, WEST KORDOFAN – PIS and national partner ALAAN Charity Organization conducted home visits with 130 refugee and host community families in the locality to identify drivers of school dropout. The main reasons for dropout cited by families include: children needing to work to support household income; inability to cover costs of school fees and supplies; household responsibilities (i.e., the need to support sick parents and provide sibling care); and discrimination. These issues underscore the links between livelihoods gaps and education access for both refugee and host community children in West Kordofan. Protection and education partners are collaborating on ways to address these issues. Scale-up of diversified livelihoods interventions and education assistance to support school retention is needed.
    highlight 30 Nov 2018 (5 years ago)
    South Sudan Sudan South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • UNHCR, the Office of the Prime Minster (OPM) and partner agencies today officially launched a communication system for refugees and asylum seekers in Uganda. The two-way communication system is being rolled out to all refugee settlements in Uganda and is anticipated to cover the entire refugee operation by February 2019.
    highlight 16 Jan 2019 (5 years ago)
    / Burundi - Refugees / South Sudan - Refugees / Congo (Democratic Republic) - Refugees
  • Burundian refugee women and girls are suffering high levels of sexual and gender-based violence and exploitation. Makeshift and dilapidated shelters provide little protection.
    highlight 16 Jan 2019 (5 years ago)
    / Burundi - Refugees
  • Access to education beyond primary school is far from what it should be. Just 20% of secondary school-aged Burundian refugee children are enrolled in education.
    highlight 18 Jan 2019 (5 years ago)
    / Burundi - Refugees
  • 2018 MARKS LOWEST RATE OF NEW ARRIVALS TO SUDAN SINCE START OF SOUTH SUDAN CONFLICT IN DECEMBER 2013 – Nearly 1,700 South Sudanese refugees arrived in Sudan in December, bringing the year-end total of new arrivals in 2018 to 33,117. This is below the revised annual arrivals estimate for 2018 of 50,000. Inter-agency partners estimate a maximum of 50,000 new arrivals in 2019.
    highlight 31 Dec 2018 (5 years ago)
    South Sudan Sudan South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • UNICEF AND UNHCR COMPLETE 2nd ROUND OF NUTRITION CAMPAIGN IN WEST KORDOFAN STATE – The campaign is part of the accelerated nutrition action plan initiated in October following the outcomes of the 2018 Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS). Nearly 3,700 South Sudanese refugee children were screened, with referrals of malnourished and at-risk children made to local nutrition programmes for treatment. The action plan also integrates infant and young child feeding (IYCF) support, with over 2,700 pregnant and lactating women referred for IYCF counselling and supports. These campaigns have also been completed for refugee camps in White Nile State and targeted localities in South Kordofan State, as part of inter-agency efforts to scaleup the nutrition response to address critically high global acute malnutrition (GAM).
    highlight 31 Dec 2018 (5 years ago)
    South Sudan Sudan South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • At the heart of Ethiopia's innovative new refugee framework is a more comprehensive response to displacement in which refugees are included in national services like health and education, rather than setting up parallel systems. It also focuses on ensuring refugees have the opportunity to be self-reliant and can contribute to local economies in a way that also benefits their hosts.
    highlight 21 Jan 2019 (5 years ago)
    / South Sudan - Refugees
  • UNHCR welcomes Ethiopia’s historic new refugee law which will now allow refugees to obtain work permits, access primary education, obtain drivers’ licenses, legally register life events such as births and marriages and open up access to national financial services, such as banking.
    highlight 24 Jan 2019 (5 years ago)
    / South Sudan - Refugees