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no case of measles was recorded in Dollo Ado camps in the past weekhighlight 18 Oct 2011 (13 years ago)
One Aid worker shot;two abducted in Dadaab\'s Ifo 2 West on the afternoon of 13 October 2011. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees expressed his \"deep shock and indignation\" at the violent abduction of the two female MSF staff and the shooting of their driver. “These MSF colleagues were working to rescue lives,” he said. “It is wholly unacceptable that they should be made targets for kidnap. I appeal to those responsible to facilitate their immediate and safe return.” Please contact MSF for further information.highlight 14 Oct 2011 (13 years ago)
The CMR in all camps is finally below emergency threshold of 1/10,000/day. More specifically, this week the CMR calculated from grave counting was 0.3/10,000/day in Kobe and 0.4/10,000/day in Hilaweyn. (Dollo Ado, Ethiopia)highlight 10 Oct 2011 (13 years ago)
Federal MOH has finally approved vaccination from 6 months to 30 years!!. This will start today (Monday) at reception center for all new arrivals in this age group. (Dollo Ado, Ethiopia)highlight 10 Oct 2011 (13 years ago)
Nutrition survey is planned to start on 15th October 2011 in Kobe and Hilaweyn and later in Melkadida and Bokolmanyo. (Dollo Ado, Ethiopia)highlight 10 Oct 2011 (13 years ago)
The Crude Mortality Rate in Kobe camp has dropped to 0.4/10,000/day, while in Hilaweyn the Crude Mortality Rate is 1.2/10,000/day slightly up from 1.0 the previous week. (Dollo Ado, Ethiopia)highlight 07 Oct 2011 (13 years ago)
UNHCR is pleased to share that the vast majority of Somali arrivals on the outskirts have been relocated to safety.The current population of IFO 2 West exceeds 40,000 and Ifo 2 East nearly 30,000. Relocation ton Kambioos which started much later is nearly at the 10,000 mark already.highlight 07 Oct 2011 (13 years ago)
The relocation of Somali arrivals from the outskirts of Dadaab\'s camps to Ifo 2 East, West and Kambioos reaches more than 77,500 individuals.highlight 06 Oct 2011 (13 years ago)
The verification of UAC has now been completed in Bokolmanyo camp (Dollo Ado, Ethiopia).highlight 05 Oct 2011 (13 years ago)
Spate of violence in Somalia compounds the predicament of its displaced citizens.highlight 04 Oct 2011 (13 years ago)