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يوجد 824 نتيجة

  • 3,200 Congolese refugees fled from Ezo settlement to the nearby fields following clashes between government soldiers and armed youth groups, known as Arrow Boys
    highlight 01 Dec 2015 (8 years ago)
    South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • 29 refugees graduated from a 6-month-long tailoring training in Unity's Ajuong Thok camp, bringing the total number of graduated students to 50 since Jan 2015.
    highlight 24 Jul 2015 (9 years ago)
    South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • 26 semi-permanent classrooms completed in Imvepi and Rhino camp settlements as part of "Education Cannot Wait" initiative
    highlight 04 Feb 2018 (6 years ago)
    Uganda / South Sudan - Refugees
  • 25 refugees graduated from a shoe-making training organized by UNHCR partner Danish Refugee Council in Ajuong Thok refugee camp.
    highlight 05 Aug 2015 (8 years ago)
    South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • 214 patients were operated in the 'Eye Camp' in Dadaab's Hagadera Hospital
    highlight 26 Oct 2014 (9 years ago)
    Kenya Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs
  • 2018 MARKS LOWEST RATE OF NEW ARRIVALS TO SUDAN SINCE START OF SOUTH SUDAN CONFLICT IN DECEMBER 2013 – Nearly 1,700 South Sudanese refugees arrived in Sudan in December, bringing the year-end total of new arrivals in 2018 to 33,117. This is below the revised annual arrivals estimate for 2018 of 50,000. Inter-agency partners estimate a maximum of 50,000 new arrivals in 2019.
    highlight 31 Dec 2018 (5 years ago)
    South Sudan Sudan South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • 20,156 South Sudanese have been received in Kakuma camp in 2014. Camp population stands at 149,365 which is 635 persons short of the 150,000 capacity threshold
    highlight 28 Feb 2014 (10 years ago)
    Kenya / South Sudan - Refugees
  • 20 primary schools and 12 pre-schools in KK camp were supplied by UNHCR with learning and teaching materials such as books, papers, notebooks, pencils, biro.
    highlight 25 May 2015 (9 years ago)
    Kenya / South Sudan - Refugees
  • 2,202 much needed shelters are in the process of being built in Dadaab camps. Community teams are taking care of the construction.
    highlight 31 Oct 2014 (9 years ago)
    Kenya Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs
  • 19 refugee representatives from Dadaab took part in a 'Go and See' visit to Kismayo, Somalia, from 4 to 8 August. They will now share their thoughts and impressions with the other camp residents.
    highlight 08 Aug 2014 (9 years ago)
    Kenya Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs