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الترتيب حسب:
UNHCR, WHO and the GoSS confirmed a surge of Hepatitis E in Upper Nile Refugee Camps: 3,319 cases and 69 deaths since July 2012.highlight 27 Jan 2013 (12 years ago)
UNHCR facilitated a meeting between Yida Refugee Leaders and the Chiefs of villages near Ajuong Thok, the site of the new refugee camp UNHCR will open in March.highlight 24 Jan 2013 (12 years ago)
Documents for release of WASH pipelines supplies are available. Dowload in the Webportal Home Page, Documents>Updates Section.highlight 05 Feb 2013 (12 years ago)
Refugee registration/verification exercise on going in Jubahighlight 11 Feb 2013 (12 years ago)
Juba Refugee Verification/Registration cumulative data (as of day VIII): - 1,341 individuals registered - 2,130 individuals verifiedhighlight 14 Feb 2013 (12 years ago)
Juba Refugee Registration/Verification cumulative data (as of day IX): 1,549 new registrations and 2,412 verificationshighlight 15 Feb 2013 (12 years ago)
Juba Refugee Registration/Verification cumulative data (as of day X): 1,777 new registrations and 2,762 verificationshighlight 18 Feb 2013 (11 years ago)
Doro Biometric Verification: as of 10th of April 18,870 Refugees have been verified/registered: 17,721 are active, 989 are inactivated and 160 are closedhighlight 10 Apr 2013 (11 years ago)
Doro Biometric Verification: as of 17th of April 35,510 Refugees have been verified/registered: 33,501 are active, 1,723 have been inactivated and 286 have beenhighlight 17 Apr 2013 (11 years ago)
Doro Biometric Verification: as of 18th of April 38,364 Refugees have been verified/registered: 36,139 are active, 1,723 have been inactivated and 304 have been closedhighlight 18 Apr 2013 (11 years ago)