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100,000 South Sudanese have been registered and recieved ID cards from the Immigration and Passport Police in Khartoum, supported by UNHCRhighlight 19 Mar 2015 (9 years ago)
2018 MARKS LOWEST RATE OF NEW ARRIVALS TO SUDAN SINCE START OF SOUTH SUDAN CONFLICT IN DECEMBER 2013 – Nearly 1,700 South Sudanese refugees arrived in Sudan in December, bringing the year-end total of new arrivals in 2018 to 33,117. This is below the revised annual arrivals estimate for 2018 of 50,000. Inter-agency partners estimate a maximum of 50,000 new arrivals in 2019.highlight 31 Dec 2018 (6 years ago)
40-50% of refugees in White Nile state now employed in agriculture following the passing of new regulations lifting livelihood restrictions.highlight 15 Oct 2017 (7 years ago)
70% OF REFUGEE CHILDREN IN AL LAIT LOCALITY IN SOUTH DARFUR OUT OF SCHOOL: Lack of enrolment of South Sudanese refugee children in Haskanita and Andrab schools in Al Lait locality, North Darfur State, remains a concern as close to 70% of the refugee children living in the area are out of school. Out of the more than 10,000 children in school age, only around 3,000 are currently enrolled. Some of the reasons behind the low enrolment rate is the engagement of children in farm work, language barriers, and lack of peaceful coexistence.highlight 31 Dec 2019 (5 years ago)
AGREEMENT TO ISSUE WORK PERMITS FOR REFUGEES IN KHARTOUM: UNHCR in collaboration with the Commissioner of Refugees (COR) and the Khartoum State Supreme Council for Human Development and Labor (SCHDL) launched the issuance of the work permits for the refugees in Khartoum on 30 October. It was agreed that the work permits and business licenses will function as legal authorization for all refugees to access the labor market, provided they are registered with COR and recognized as refugees, in addition to a referral letter from COR. The requests will be processed through a special window at the Office of Labour in Khartoum state, where dedicated staff will be equipped with general knowledge on refugees’ issues through on the job training. It is expected that approximately 12,273 South Sudanese refugees aged 18 to 59 living in the Open Areas (54% women) could have access to formal labour opportunities by acquiring access to work permits. This would have high impacts on the life of refugees by improving their livelihoods opportunities and the regularization and safety of their employment, which in turn would reduce the levels of poverty and onward movement that exposes refugees to exploitation and human trafficking.highlight 31 Oct 2019 (5 years ago)
AN INFULX OF CAR REFUGEES CROSSING INTO DARFUR: A total of 7,729 new arrivals have crossed the border from Central Africa Republic to Central and South Darfur due to tribal conflicts. The majority of the new arrivals (6,587 individuals) are currently in South Darfur, Um Dafoug locality where level 1 (house hold) registration was conducted by COR. They arrived after July 2019 and this number is increasing daily. 5,727 of them arrived after the second week of October 2019. 296 households that comprise 1,142 individuals are in Um Dukhun locality in Central Darfur.highlight 15 Oct 2019 (5 years ago)
According to WFP, import restrictions and clearance delays are driving general food distribution (GFD) gaps to refugees across Sudan. There are ongoing pipeline breaks for pulses, cooking oil and salt, with refugees in most location receiving partial rations with key commodities missing. The cooking oil gap will likely be resolved in April.highlight 31 Mar 2018 (6 years ago)
Acute watery diarrhea (AWD) outbreaks in East Darfur refugee camps have been contained.highlight 01 Aug 2017 (7 years ago)
Approvals have been granted for the expansion of refugee camps in White Nile state to ease congestion. Camp expansions are scheduled to begin in July.highlight 30 Jun 2017 (7 years ago)
BIOMETRIC REGISTRATION EXERCISE CONTINUES FOR SOUTH SUDANESE REFUGEES IN KHARTOUM – As of 29 May, the Government of Sudan’s Commission for Refugees (COR), with support from UNHCR, have registered over 1,600 South Sudanese refugees living in ‘open area’ settlements. The exercise is ongoing for an estimated 60,000 refugees living across 9 settlements.highlight 01 Jun 2018 (6 years ago)