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يوجد 386 نتيجة

  • World Humanitarian Day: UNHCR pays tribute to courage and sacrifice of aid workers

    news UNHCR - Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:32 GMT: Thomson Reuters Foundation, 19 Aug 2014 (10 years ago )
    Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation. GENEVA, August 19 (UNHCR) - UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres on Tuesday paid tribute to the enormous contribution made every year by humanitarian workers while noting that their wo...
  • World Refugee Day 2014 - Dadaab

    news UNHCR, 13 Jun 2014 (10 years ago )
    UNHCR and partners will lead the refugee community in Dadaab to commemorate World Refugee Day on 20th June. The global theme for this year is- “One family torn apart by war is too many.” The community has agreed to commemorate this day by conveying to the world, messages of peace through a campaign ...
  • Yemen arrivals increase as Horn of Africa mixed migration hits all-time highs

    news In Yemen, Edward Leposky on mobile +967 71 222 4022 In Nairobi (UNHCR regional hub): Kitty Mckinsey on mobile +254 735 337 608 In Geneva, Andrej Mahecic on mobile: +41 79 200 76 17, 30 Aug 2012 (12 years ago )
    The flow of refugees and migrants from the Horn of Africa across the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea towards Yemen continues to exceed previous records. In the first seven of 2012, more than 63,800 people made this perilous journey compared to 48,700 during the same period last year - a 30 per cent inc...
  • Yemen conflict: 'Islamic State car-bomb' strikes Sanaa funeral

    news BBC, 30 Jun 2015 (9 years ago )
    The Islamic State (IS) militant group say its Yemeni affiliate carried out a car-bomb attack at a funeral attended by Shia Houthi rebels in the capital. Dozens of people were injured, reports say. An unconfirmed report says many people were killed. The blast happened near a military hospital i...
  • Yemen conflict: Civilian deaths 'amount to war crimes'

    news BBC, 18 Aug 2015 (9 years ago )
    All sides in the conflict in Yemen have left a "trial of civilian death and destruction" and may have committed war crimes, Amnesty International says. A report documents hundreds of cases in which people have been killed or injured in their homes since March. It accuses the Saudi-led coalitio...
  • Yemen conflict: Houthi rebels driven back in Aden

    news BBC, 15 Jul 2015 (9 years ago )
    Pro-government militiamen have made further advances against Houthi rebels in the southern Yemeni city of Aden. Fighters backed by Saudi-led coalition air strikes were reported to have taken the main seaport as well as the neighbouring district of Mualla. It comes a day after they regained con...
  • Yemen conflict: MSF hospital destroyed by air strikes

    news BBC, 27 Oct 2015 (8 years ago )
    The first, which occurred around 22:30 (19:30 GMT) on Monday, hit part of the facility in Saada province that was not being used, according to the charity. All staff and patients had been evacuated by the time the second strike hit about 10 minutes later. However, the Saudi-led coalition battling ...
  • Yemen's Hadi: UN talks will not discuss reconciliation

    news Al Jazeera and agencies, 08 Jun 2015 (9 years ago )
    Yemen's exiled president has said his government will not negotiate with Iran-backed Houthi rebels at UN-sponsored peace talks due to open in Switzerland this weekend. President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi said on Monday that the sole item for discussion would be the implementation of a resolution ado...
  • Yemen's Saleh declares alliance with Houthis

    news Al Jazeera and agencies, 11 May 2015 (9 years ago )
    Yemen's former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, has formally announced an alliance with Houthi fighters for the first time, after the Arab coalition launched two air strikes on his home in the capital, Sanaa. Saleh, who was forced to step aside in 2012 following a year of deadly nationwide protest...
  • Yemen's government declares Taiz 'a disaster area'

    news Al Jazeera and agencies, 25 Aug 2015 (9 years ago )
    Yemen's exiled government has declared Taiz a "disaster area" and urged the international community and the UN Security Council to intervene to stop the bloodshed. "The government will present a letter to the Security Council in New York and the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva," Huma...