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Armenia Emergency Response as of 17 Oct 2023
documentArmenia Emergency Response as of 17 Oct 2023Publish date: 20 October 2023 (1 year ago)
Create date: 20 October 2023 (1 year ago) -
South East Myanmar UNHCR Displacement Overview 16 Oct 2023
documentDisplacement Overview as of 16 Oct 2023Publish date: 20 October 2023 (1 year ago)
Create date: 23 October 2023 (1 year ago) -
UNHCR RBWCA - Principal Refugees, IDPs and Stateless Persons - September 2023
documentUNHCR RBWCA - Principal Refugees, IDPs and Stateless Persons - September 2023Publish date: 20 October 2023 (1 year ago)
Create date: 23 October 2023 (1 year ago) -
UNHCR TCHAD | Afflux des Réfugiés du Soudan | Suivi de la protection 'P21' (au 09 octobre 2023)
Create date: 23 October 2023 (1 year ago) -
UNHCR CHAD| Influx of Refugees from Sudan | Protection Monitoring 'P21' (as of 09 October 2023)
Create date: 23 October 2023 (1 year ago) -
UNHCR TCHAD| Afflux des Réfugiés du Soudan (au 22 octobre 2023)
Create date: 23 October 2023 (1 year ago) -
UNHCR CHAD| Influx of Refugees from Sudan (as of 22 October 2023)
Create date: 23 October 2023 (1 year ago) -
UNHCR TCHAD| Afflux des Réfugiés du Soudan | Carte 3Ws ' Qui Fait Quoi Où' (octobre 2023)
Create date: 23 October 2023 (1 year ago) -
Mauritania - Situation map as at end of September 2023
Create date: 24 October 2023 (1 year ago) -
UNHCR Iraq -Population Profile - Breakdown Overview - Refugee Population Presence
documentThis comprehensive heatmap collection provides a visual representation of refugee distribution across Iraqi districts. The primary heatmap reveals the overall concentration of refugees, with a strong ...Publish date: 26 October 2023 (1 year ago)
Create date: 26 October 2023 (1 year ago)