This report is intended for Lebanon Inter-Agency partners. It provides an overview of partner referral reporting to support the identification of referral trends and bottlenecks. These results have been produced after follow up with partners and data cleaning and therefore do aim to reflect accurate reporting results on a quarterly basis. These referral trends capture both RAIS and RIMS referral management findings which have been summarized in ActivityInfo. These charts can be used in sector presentations to share progress, updates and prompt meaningful discussion among actors to improve response to referrals.
Please contact Raffi Kouzoudjian at with questions, comments or recommendations.
sector | count | perc |
Referrals to Basic Assistance | 4607 | 5.4 |
There have been 4607 referrals to Basic Assistance in 2023. This is 5.4% of the total referrals made in Lebanon (85812).
36 partners reported to this sector.
Partners: ACF Spain, ACTED, AICA, Al Majmouaa, AND, AVSI, CARE, CESVI, chaine de l’espoir, CLDH, DCL, DRC, Himaya, Intersos, IOCC Lebanon, IRC, KAFA, LOST, Magna Lebanon, MEDAIR, Mouvement Social, Nabad, NRC, OXFAM, PU-AMI, Rahma Association, RESTART Lebanon, RI, SAMS, SHEILD, SIF, Solidarités international, Tabitha-Dorcas, TdH-It, TdH-L, UNHCR
sector | count | perc |
Referrals to Child Protection | 9312 | 10.9 |
There have been 9312 referrals to Child Protection in 2023. This is 10.9% of the total referrals made in Lebanon (85812).
42 partners reported to this sector.
Partners: ACF Spain, ACTED, Al Fayhaa, Al Majmouaa, AMEL, Ana Aqra, AND, AVSI, Borderless, CARE, CESVI, chaine de l’espoir, CLDH, CONCERN, DCL, DRC, FISTA, Himaya, Intersos, IOCC Lebanon, IRC, KAFA, LOST, Magna Lebanon, Makhzoumi, Mercy USA, Mouvement Social, Nabad, NRC, PU-AMI, RESTART Lebanon, RI, RMF, SCI, SDAid, SHEILD, SIF, Tabitha-Dorcas, Tahaddi lebanon, TdH-It, TdH-L, UNHCR
sector | count | perc |
Referrals to Education | 4194 | 4.9 |
There have been 4194 referrals to Education in 2023. This is 4.9% of the total referrals made in Lebanon (85812).
35 partners reported to this sector.
Partners: ACTED, AICA, Al Majmouaa, AND, AVSI, Borderless, CARE, CESVI, chaine de l’espoir, CLDH, DCL, DRC, FISTA, Himaya, IMC, Intersos, IRC, KAFA, LOST, Magna Lebanon, MEDAIR, Mercy USA, Mouvement Social, Nabad, NRC, OXFAM, PU-AMI, RI, RMF, SDAid, SHEILD, SIF, TdH-It, TdH-L, UNHCR
sector | count | perc |
Referrals to Food Security | 2280 | 2.7 |
There have been 2280 referrals to Food Security in 2023. This is 2.7% of the total referrals made in Lebanon (85812).
20 partners reported to this sector.
Partners: ACF Spain, ADRA, AICA, Al Majmouaa, AMEL, CARE, chaine de l’espoir, DRC, Himaya, IMC, Intersos, IOCC Lebanon, IRC, MEDAIR, Mouvement Social, OXFAM, SDAid, Solidarités international, Tahaddi lebanon, TdH-It
sector | count | perc |
Referrals to Health | 12933 | 15.1 |
There have been 12933 referrals to Health in 2023. This is 15.1% of the total referrals made in Lebanon (85812).
50 partners reported to this sector.
Partners: ACF Spain, ACTED, ADRA, AICA, Al Fayhaa, Al Majmouaa, AMEL, AND, ANERA, AVSI, CARE, CESVI, chaine de l’espoir, CLDH, CONCERN, DCL, DRC, FISTA, Himaya, IMC, Intersos, IOCC Lebanon, IRC, KAFA, LOST, Magna Lebanon, MEDAIR, Mercy USA, Mouvement Social, Nabad, NRC, OXFAM, PCPM, Plan International, PU-AMI, Rahma Association, RESTART Lebanon, RI, RMF, SAMS, SCI, SDAid, SHEILD, SIF, Solidarités international, Tabitha-Dorcas, Tahaddi lebanon, TdH-It, TdH-L, UNHCR
sector | count | perc |
Referrals to Livelihoods | 1398 | 1.6 |
There have been 1398 referrals to Livelihoods in 2023. This is 1.6% of the total referrals made in Lebanon (85812).
22 partners reported to this sector.
Partners: ACF Spain, Al Majmouaa, AVSI, CARE, CESVI, DCL, DRC, Himaya, IMC, Intersos, IRC, KAFA, MEDAIR, Mouvement Social, Nabad, NRC, PU-AMI, RI, SIF, Solidarités international, Tabitha-Dorcas, TdH-L
sector | count | perc |
Referrals to PROTECTION | 42047 | 49 |
There have been 42047 referrals to Protection in 2023. This is 49% of the total referrals made in Lebanon (85812).
38 partners reported to this sector.
Partners: ACF Spain, ACTED, Al Majmouaa, AMEL, AND, AVSI, CARE, CESVI, chaine de l’espoir, CLDH, DCL, DRC, Himaya, Intersos, IOCC Lebanon, IRC, KAFA, LOST, Magna Lebanon, Makhzoumi, MEDAIR, Mercy USA, Mouvement Social, Nabad, Near East Foundation, NRC, OXFAM, PU-AMI, RESTART Lebanon, RI, RMF, SCI, SDAid, SHEILD, Tabitha-Dorcas, TdH-L, UNHCR, WRF
sector | count | perc |
Referrals to GBV | 2442 | 2.8 |
There have been 2442 referrals to SGVB in 2023. This is 2.8% of the total referrals made in Lebanon (85812).
33 partners reported to this sector.
Partners: ACF Spain, ACTED, AND, AVSI, CARE, CESVI, chaine de l’espoir, DCL, DRC, FISTA, IMC, Intersos, IRC, LOST, Magna Lebanon, Makhzoumi, MEDAIR, Mercy USA, Mouvement Social, Nabad, NRC, OXFAM, PU-AMI, RESTART Lebanon, RI, RMF, SCI, SHEILD, SIF, Tabitha-Dorcas, Tahaddi lebanon, TdH-L, UNHCR
sector | count | perc |
Referrals to Shelter | 4067 | 4.7 |
There have been 4067 referrals to Shelter in 2023. This is 4.7% of the total referrals made in Lebanon (85812).
37 partners reported to this sector.
Partners: ACF Spain, ACTED, Al Majmouaa, AMEL, AND, CARE, CESVI, chaine de l’espoir, CONCERN, DCL, DRC, FISTA, IMC, Intersos, IOCC Lebanon, IRC, KAFA, LOST, Magna Lebanon, MEDAIR, Mercy USA, Mouvement Social, Nabad, NRC, OXFAM, PCPM, Plan International, PU-AMI, RESTART Lebanon, RI, RMF, SHEILD, SIF, Tabitha-Dorcas, TdH-It, TdH-L, UNHCR
sector | count | perc |
Referrals to Water Sector | 1703 | 2 |
There have been 1703 referrals to the Water Sector in 2023. This is 2% of the total referrals made in Lebanon (85812).
18 partners reported to this sector.
Partners: ACF Spain, CARE, chaine de l’espoir, DRC, IMC, Intersos, IOCC Lebanon, IRC, MEDAIR, Mouvement Social, Nabad, NRC, OXFAM, PU-AMI, RI, SHEILD, Solidarités international, UNHCR
sector | count | perc |
Referrals to Nutrition | 693 | 0.8 |
There have been 693 referrals to the Water Sector in 2023. This is 0.8% of the total referrals made in Lebanon (85812).
9 partners reported to this sector.
Partners: ACF Spain, Al Majmouaa, CARE, IRC, MEDAIR, Rahma Association, RI, SAMS, SDAid