Mixed Movements Monitoring Report | UNHCR-WFP | Q3 2023

التنزيل  (PDF, 4.09 MB)
نوع الوثيقة: Reports
نوع الوثيقة: English
تاريخ النشر: 22 December 2023 (1 year ago)
تاريخ الانشاء: 22 December 2023 (1 year ago)
عدد مرات التنزيل: 1,137

Mixed Movements Monitoring Report | UNHCR-WFP | Q3 2023

نوع الوثيقة: Reports
اللغة: English
The Mixed Movements Monitoring is an interagency initiative by UNHCR and WFP aimed at gathering evidence on the dynamics of mixed movements in Central America and Mexico. It seeks to identify trends, profiles, as well as the protection and food security needs of people on the move.


  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • World Food Programme


  • South America
  • Central America

Population Group

الدولة Group
Guatemala - Refugees, Honduras - Refugees, Costa Rica - Refugees, Mexico - Refugees, Panama - Refugees
التنزيل  (PDF, 4.09 MB)