Ismail’s Story, Central African Republic


Ismail’s Story, Central African Republic

UNHCR, 27 Jun 2014

Ismail wrote a book about the history of Islam in Central African Republic, and traveled from the town of Boda to Bangui in December to find a publisher.

“On 1 December 2013, I left my hometown of Boda to look for a publishing house in Bangui. I wrote a book about the history of Islam in the Central African Republic: “Centrafrique, vérités cachées”. Muslim communities arrived here in the 17th century. They greatly contributed to the local economy and were working peacefully side by side with Christians. I wrote this book to keep a record of the contributions of my community to the Central African Republic. Some people have been treating us as foreigners. I want to remind them that we are all brothers and sisters, we are all Central Africans.

When I arrived to Bangui to look for a publisher, I did not imagine that four days later, violence would prevent me from going back home. During 40 days, I kept on moving from one neighbourhood to another to stay alive, before finding refuge at the airport military base. My wife and three children are still in Boda, where a clash on 7 February has left 75 people dead and where more than 10,000 Muslim are displaced and at risk of being attacked by armed groups. I am trapped. I cannot go to Boda to be with my family, and I cannot flee the country and leave them behind. I am frightened by the idea that everybody here will leave and I would stay alone.”

Text by D. Al Achi/2014.