Nigeria's Gombe and Bauchi cities hit by blasts


Nigeria's Gombe and Bauchi cities hit by blasts

BBC, 22 Dec 2014

At least 26 people have been killed in bombings in two major cities in northern Nigeria, emergency workers and witnesses say. The first blast at bus rank in Gombe killed at least 20 while another six died in an explosion at a market in Bauchi, they added.
Militant Islamist group Boko Haram is waging an insurgency in the area. Meanwhile, a video purportedly released by the group shows dozens of people being executed at a school dormitory. They were made to lay face down before being shot dead. There is no independent confirmation that Boko Haram produced the video. It is unclear where or when it was shot. But the video bears Boko Haram's insignia and shows gun-wielding men chanting "Allah is great" and speaking in the Kanuri language associated with the group's fighters, says BBC Nigeria analyst Jimeh Saleh.