Boko Haram: Cameroon Set To Repatriate Over 56,000 Nigerian Refugees


Boko Haram: Cameroon Set To Repatriate Over 56,000 Nigerian Refugees

Leadership, 16 Mar 2016

— Mar 16, 2016 5:19 am | Leave a comment

No fewer than 56,000 Nigerians currently taken refuge in Cameroon Republic will soon be repatriated to Nigeria through Adamawa State, Governor Muhammadu Ummaru Jibrilla stated yesterday.

The governor who dropped the hint while hosting the Country Director of International Rescue Committee (IRC) Ms Sarah Ndikumana in his office, urged the organisation as well as other humanitarian agencies to come to the aid of the state in view of the large scale deportation.

He noted that in view of the unprecedented large scale deportation, his government has started forming synergy with humanitarian and security agencies to ensure that security as well as welfare of the refugees is taken care of across the various locations where they would be settled.

The governor noted that in anticipation of the arrival of the refugees, his administration has procured large consignment of foodstuff and other essentials but noted that the effort of the state government needs to be complimented in view of the unprecedented number.

“We are used to handling around 10,000 IDPs at the peak of the insurgency but when you are talking of 56,000 people you are talking of people about the size of big towns and cities.

“Taking charge of such people is equally a big task but we are grateful to President Buhari for the assistance he has been giving to us on the issue of IDPs”, Jibrilla noted.