Female bombers now disguise as men —Military


Female bombers now disguise as men —Military

National Mirror, 19 Mar 2016

URL: http://nationalmirroronline.net/new/female-bombers-now-disguise-as-men-military/
The Nigerian Military yesterday said that it has discovered that female Boko Haram bombers now disguise in men’s clothing to perpetrate their bombings. The Defence Headquarters, DHQ, in a statement through its Director of Defence Information, DDI, Brig-Gen Rabe Abubakar, said that the discovery was part of its efforts to continue to uncover and sensitise citizens on the devilish strategies of the terrorists. He regretted that in a determined effort in letting off bombs, Boko Haram terrorists were resorting to hiding their true identity. “Female bombers now dress in men’s attire to have access to mosques unhindered to detonate their bombs.

“The latest suicide attack in the mosque at Molai Umurari village in Borno State is instructive in this regard. “Therefore, members of the public are hereby advised to be wary of suspicious persons, irrespective of sex at worship places, markets and public entertainment centres. “Having been effectively dislodged and decimated, the splinter cells of the remnant Boko Haram terror group still engage in some systematic isolated attacks, mainly on soft targets in their desperation to remain relevant”, Abubakar said. The Defence Headquarters thus advised the public to constantly be on alert to this latest terrorist tactic and to report promptly any suspicious persons or objects to the nearest security agency. It urged local vigilante and communities to device more proactive measures to curtail such ugly happenings to complement security agencies, as security is everybody’s concern.