President U Thein Sein meets 88 Generation Peace and Open Society Group

President U Thein Sein meets 88 Generation Peace and Open Society Group
President Office, 15 Sep 2013
President U Thein Sein held talks with the 88 Generation Peace and Open Society Group led by U Min Ko Naing at the meeting hall of farmer educative mechanized farming model plantation (500-acre) here this morning.
They held a cordial discussion on emergence of all-inclusive political process for ensuring peace and national reconsolidation, mapping out of a new form of political culture, flourishing of democracy system, promoting socioeconomic status of the people, dealing with the possible challenges in transitional period with a visionary and farsighted view, land disputes, political prisoners affairs and all inclusiveness of national races groups, political parties and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including the Union government, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and national races armed groups outside the Hluttaws in the process of working together among those with different views, ceasefires and peacemaking.
Also present at the call together with the president were Union Ministers U Soe Thane, U Aung Min, U Tin Naing Thein, U Ohn Myint and U Khin Yi. U KoKo Gyi, U Min Zeya, UHtay Gywe, U Jimmy, Daw Nilar Thein, U Mar Kee, U Aung Thu, U Thet Zin, U Zaw Min and Sangyoung U Ko Ko Gyi from the 88 Generation Peace and Open Society Group accompanied U Min Ko Naing.
They held a cordial discussion on emergence of all-inclusive political process for ensuring peace and national reconsolidation, mapping out of a new form of political culture, flourishing of democracy system, promoting socioeconomic status of the people, dealing with the possible challenges in transitional period with a visionary and farsighted view, land disputes, political prisoners affairs and all inclusiveness of national races groups, political parties and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including the Union government, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and national races armed groups outside the Hluttaws in the process of working together among those with different views, ceasefires and peacemaking.
Also present at the call together with the president were Union Ministers U Soe Thane, U Aung Min, U Tin Naing Thein, U Ohn Myint and U Khin Yi. U KoKo Gyi, U Min Zeya, UHtay Gywe, U Jimmy, Daw Nilar Thein, U Mar Kee, U Aung Thu, U Thet Zin, U Zaw Min and Sangyoung U Ko Ko Gyi from the 88 Generation Peace and Open Society Group accompanied U Min Ko Naing.