Myanmar Parliament Passes First Legislation Granting Media Freedom


Myanmar Parliament Passes First Legislation Granting Media Freedom

RFA, 05 Mar 2014

Myanmar’s parliament has adopted the country’s first laws enshrining media freedom since reformist President Thein Sein’s quasi-civilian administration came to power in 2011 following decades of military rule.

But the government continues to retain the power to withhold or revoke publishing licenses unilaterally under the Media Bill and the Printers and Publishers Regulation Bill passed late Tuesday.

The two bills had bounced between the lower and upper houses of parliament for months as they underwent significant revisions following pressure on Myanmar to guarantee press freedom as part of the reform agenda pushed by Thein Sein.

The Media Bill, which outlines the rights and obligations of the country’s media and the running of press enterprises, was drafted by the government-appointed Myanmar Press Council (MPC) which advocates self-censorship.

The controversial Printers and Publishers Regulation Bill, drafted by the Ministry of Information without consultation with journalist groups, requires all media enterprises to register with the government or risk fines, suggesting that power of censorship still lies with the country’s authorities.

The bills, to be signed into law soon by Thein Sein, also ban the publication of material that “insults” religion, displays nudity, undermines the “rule of law” or harms ethnic unity.

Initial provisions gave powers to the authorities to jail journalists who violate various rules, but they were replaced with ones that impose fines for offenses such as “disturbing the rule of law” and “inciting unrest” or violating the constitution or other laws.