With a 3 billion Kyat Union budget, Hpasawng-Maw Chi High Way Road would be completed in 2015


With a 3 billion Kyat Union budget, Hpasawng-Maw Chi High Way Road would be completed in 2015

kantarawaddy, 08 Mar 2014

URL: http://www.ktimes.org/index.php/news/861-2014-03-08-14-53-28
Hpasawng-Maw Chi high way which is located in Kayah state would be built with a union budget of three billions (thirty three thousand million kyats) and will be completed by 2015.

The road development process will begin this coming April and it would be built within (2014-2015) year budget.

U Khin Maung phyu, an engineer from department of public construction in Kayah state told Kantarawaddy news that they already have got a budget of 1.6 billions kyat for the road construction.

Saw thaw Thi, a local from Lo Ka Lo in Maw Chi region said, “this road should have been renovated long time back. Lead extracts in Kayah State is for the government. Thus the government also should do something for the people in return”.

Although state government addressed that they would get loans from JICA in the previous year, it has not been realized since then. So the union budget is being used now for the construction of the road, said U Khin Maung Phyu.

“The region where the road is going to be built has been extended to 32 feet (width) and will have a paved road of 12 feet (width)”, he said.

The 12 miles long High Way road was built since the colonization time and only minor renovation has been done to it under Myanmar government. That’s why it has made travelling difficult during the raining season.