Than Shwe Confidant Launches New Political Party of Generals


Than Shwe Confidant Launches New Political Party of Generals

Myanmar Times, 04 Mar 2019

A new political party comprised of senior military officers has been registered by a trusted confidant of former Myanmar strongman Senior General Than Shwe.

The Democratic Party of National Politics (DNP) is led by U Soe Maung, minister of the President’s Office in the U Thein Sein government, who held the rank of lieutenant general in the Tatmadaw (military). He was also judge advocate general in the Than Shwe government and a trusted confidant of Snr Gen Than Shwe.

He won a seat in parliament for Yesagyo Township, Magwe Region, in the 2010 elections but lost the seat to the National League for Democracy candidate in the 2015 elections.

The DNP leadership includes former chair of the Union Civil Services Board, U Kyaw Thu, who is a son of former president U Maung Maung, and former Union Auditor-General U Lun Maung, who operated a food shop in Mon State prior to his political comeback.

The party will be based in Nay Pyi Taw. The name of the new party, its flag and logo were announced in the state-owned newspaper on Saturday. Anyone who wants to has seven days to register their objections.