Bilin Township Considered for Ecotourism Development

Bilin Township Considered for Ecotourism Development
Eleven Myanmar, 11 Jun 2019
MAWLAMYAING-Under the sponsorship of National Enlightenment Institute-NEI, a team led by the Mon State Parliament Speaker and the professors from Mawlamyaing University will be looking into Bilin Township where there are many historical places, to develop ecotourism.
Tin Ei, Speaker of Mon State Parliament on June 4th urged helping research works which will provide the development of tourism industry and create job opportunities to the Bilin locals.
“The period of excursion to Bilin Township will be six months. In Bilin Township, we are going to research environ of Bilin River and historical heritage places including Kalartha sanctuary in Bilin Township and to hold paper reading session. In doing so, the tourism industry in Bilin Township will prosper. Bilin Township, linking with Kyaikhto Township where there already are renowned tourist destinations such as Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda and the world largest sitting Buddha image, has many opportunities for ecotourism development,” said MP Dr Khin Naing Oo from Bilin Constituency.
“In Mon State, there are many places which must be explored for tourism industry. Among the places, Bilin literate Cultural Region should be researched. We, the guides, have to show the historical places being explored by the researchers. The Kyaik Htee Saung Pagoda makes the tourists many felling if they [tourists] visit the compound of the Pagoda where the influence of the literature attracted the tourists. Photo taking isn’t allowed there and if it was, foreigner's tourists will like it. If the tasks will be regularly updated, the tourism industry based on Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda in Mon State will be blooming,” said Aung Myo Min, Chairman of Mon State Tourist Guide Association.
Tin Ei, Speaker of Mon State Parliament on June 4th urged helping research works which will provide the development of tourism industry and create job opportunities to the Bilin locals.
“The period of excursion to Bilin Township will be six months. In Bilin Township, we are going to research environ of Bilin River and historical heritage places including Kalartha sanctuary in Bilin Township and to hold paper reading session. In doing so, the tourism industry in Bilin Township will prosper. Bilin Township, linking with Kyaikhto Township where there already are renowned tourist destinations such as Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda and the world largest sitting Buddha image, has many opportunities for ecotourism development,” said MP Dr Khin Naing Oo from Bilin Constituency.
“In Mon State, there are many places which must be explored for tourism industry. Among the places, Bilin literate Cultural Region should be researched. We, the guides, have to show the historical places being explored by the researchers. The Kyaik Htee Saung Pagoda makes the tourists many felling if they [tourists] visit the compound of the Pagoda where the influence of the literature attracted the tourists. Photo taking isn’t allowed there and if it was, foreigner's tourists will like it. If the tasks will be regularly updated, the tourism industry based on Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda in Mon State will be blooming,” said Aung Myo Min, Chairman of Mon State Tourist Guide Association.