Unity State trains peace promoters


Unity State trains peace promoters

UNMISS, 18 Oct 2013

URL: http://unmiss.unmissions.org/Default.aspx?tabid=34
18 October 2013 - The Justice and Peace Commission and UNMISS began a three-day training today for over 40 “peace promoters” in Rubkona County, Unity State.

Aimed at teaching participants their roles and how to work with the community, the activity is focusing on peace building, human rights and the justice system in South Sudan.

“It is important for them to understand … the importance of peace,” said Father Joseph Makuei of Rubkona Catholic Church.

“When there are human rights violations there is no peace … (and) when there is no justice system … there is no also peace,” he said.

Participant Peter Gatjal stressed the need to create a positive attitude in the community.

“After this training, we are going to work with the community by educating them on the importance of peace,” he said. “Peace is equal to development and … conflict is equal to underdevelopment.”