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يوجد 4094 نتيجة

  • Parliament’s Constitution Amendment Panel Completes Review of Charter

    news The Irrawaddy, 14 Jun 2019 (5 years ago )
    YANGON—The Union Parliament’s Charter Amendment Committee on Thursday completed reviewing the entire Constitution for possible amendments. It will submit a report on its findings to Parliament next month. Committee secretary U Myat Nyana Soe, who is also an Upper House lawmaker for the ruling Na...
  • Join Peace Process, Don’t Complain from Outside: Senior Govt Negotiator

    news The Irrawaddy, 14 Jun 2019 (5 years ago )
    YANGON—When it comes to the peace process, it is better to come inside the house and start a debate than shouting and stoning the house from outside, said U Khin Zaw Oo, a member of the Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee (UPDJC) secretariat. The secretariat held an informal meeting on Thursday ...
  • State Counsellor And President will run in 2020 Elections: NLD Official

    news Myanmar Times, 12 Jun 2019 (5 years ago )
    State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint will run in the 2020 elections, National League for Democracy spokesperson U Myo Nyunt told a party executive committee meeting in Nay Pyi Taw on Saturday. “We will contest the 2020 election because we want to continue serving the co...
  • Bilin Township Considered for Ecotourism Development

    news Eleven Myanmar, 11 Jun 2019 (5 years ago )
    MAWLAMYAING-Under the sponsorship of National Enlightenment Institute-NEI, a team led by the Mon State Parliament Speaker and the professors from Mawlamyaing University will be looking into Bilin Township where there are many historical places, to develop ecotourism. Tin Ei, Speaker of Mon State ...
  • Agri-Loans Available to Rice Farmers

    news The Global New Light of Myanmar, 10 Jun 2019 (5 years ago )
    With the monsoon rain season in Myanmar, the Agricultural Development Bank has begun disbursing agricultural loans to rice farmers nationwide through its bank branches. Agricultural loans for cultivating rice in rain-fed fields are disbursed no later than September, and those farmers who have lan...
  • Development Tasks Gaining Momentum in Taninthayi Region

    news The Global New Light of Myanmar, 09 Jun 2019 (5 years ago )
    A sea-crossing bridge connecting Kawthoung Township, Taninthayi Region with an island village named Pulone Toneton Village is being built by the Bridge Construction Group – 4 under the Ministry of Construction. Pulone Tonelon Village, located on an island in the Andaman Sea, consists of more than...
  • Over 436,000 Acres of Paddy to be grown Across Kayin State This Monsoon Season

    news The Global New Light of Myanmar, 09 Jun 2019 (5 years ago )
    Over 436,000 acres of monsoon paddy are to be cultivated in seven townships in Kayin State this season starting in June, according to the State Ddepartment of Agriculture. The department plans to grow over 249,000 acres of paddy in Hpa-an District, some 157,770 acres in Kawkayeik District, nearl...
  • NCA Signatories Meet in Chiang Mai to Discuss Peace Process

    news Network Media Group, 08 Jun 2019 (5 years ago )
    Representatives of 10 ethnic armed organizations gather for three days of talks aimed at ending the deadlock in Burma’s peace process. Representatives of 10 ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) that have signed Burma’s Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) gathered in the northern Thai city of Chiang...
  • Myanmar Announces National Environment and Climate Change Policies

    news Mizzima, 06 Jun 2019 (5 years ago )
    The Government of Myanmar yesterday announced its vision for the country’s environmental protection and climate action, launching two new policies that will guide Myanmar’s environmental management and climate change strategy, according to a UN Environment statement. Myanmar is widely considered ...
  • Ceasefire Groups Meet to Discuss Future of PPST

    news Shan Herald Agency for News, 06 Jun 2019 (5 years ago )
    The 10 NCA-signatory groups are expected to decide on whether or not to dissolve the Peace Process Steering Team. Representatives of 10 ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) that have signed Burma’s Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) are set to meet in Chiang Mai, Thailand, this week to decide on ...