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يوجد 1675 نتيجة

  • La fureur meurtrière de Boko Haram se déchaîne au Nigeria

    news Le Temps, 13 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    Angélique Mounier-Kuhn Des centaines de personnes, peut-être des milliers, sont mortes dans l’attaque de la ville de Baga, la pire perpétrée par la secte islamiste. La spirale de l’horreur n’a plus aucune limite Borye Kim dit qu’il s’est aventuré au cœur de la nuit à Baga, pour tenter d’y récu...
  • Nigeria's ignored massacre: 2,000 slaughtered by Boko Haram, 30,000 flee their homes

    news Belfast Telegraph, 12 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    One of Africa's most senior church leaders has accused the West of ignoring the threat of the militant Islamist group Boko Haram, days after the reported slaughter of up to 2,000 people by the group. Ignatius Kaigama, the Catholic Archbishop of Jos and president of the Nigerian Bishops Conference...
  • UN chief condemns Boko Haram killings in Nigeria

    news Business Standard, 12 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has condemned the reported killings of hundreds of civilians in Nigeria by Boko Haram militants. "The Secretary-General is appalled by reports of hundreds of civilians killed around the town of Baga, Borno state, near Nigeria's border with Chad, a country in Centr...
  • Boko Haram crisis: Nigerian archbishop accuses West

    news BBC, 12 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    The Catholic Archbishop of Jos, in central Nigeria, has accused the West of ignoring the threat of the militant Islamist group, Boko Haram. Ignatius Kaigama said the world had to show more determination to halt the group's advance in Nigeria. He said the international community had to show the...
  • Boko Haram raids Cameroon army base

    news Al Jazeera and agencies, 12 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    Deaths reported as Nigerian armed group targets Kolofata in neighbouring country, forcing many to flee the city. Fighters from the Nigerian armed group Boko Haram have launched an attack on a military base in the northwest Cameroonian city of Kolofata, police and government officials say. Mond...
  • Boko Haram attacks town in north Cameroon, killing one

    news Reuters, 12 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    (Reuters) - Boko Haram attacked a town in northern Cameroon on Monday, killing at least one person, an army source said, less than a week after the group issued threats against the Central African country. The Nigerian group's insurgency, which is thought to have killed more than 10,000 people la...
  • Report: Boko Haram attacks Cameroon

    news Boko Haram, the Islamist group behind attacks in northeastern Nigeria, has reportedly struck again into neighboring Cameroon. A Nigerian archbishop has urged Europe to also help tackle insurgents terrorizing the region., 12 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    The news agency AFP quoted Cameroonian official sources on Monday as saying that Boko Haram fighters had attacked a military base in the northwestern Cameroonian city of Kolofata. "The gunfire was very heavy," the source said. "As soon as people heard the first gunfire they fled the city." Cam...
  • 143 terroristes de Boko Haram et un soldat camerounais tués (gouvernement)

    news Journal du Cameroun/AFP, 12 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    C'est le bilan officiel des violents combats ayant opposé l'armée aux terroristes de la secte nigériane à Kolofata lundi 143 terroristes de Boko Haram et un soldat camerounais ont été tués lundi lors de l'attaque par le groupe islamiste nigérian de la ville camerounaise de Kolofata, selon un bila...
  • Nigeria's military says 150 killed in Boko Haram clashes in Baga

    news Reuters, 12 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    (Reuters) - Nigeria's military said on Monday that at least 150 people had been killed in clashes with Islamists in the northeastern town of Baga, giving a rare official death toll a few weeks before presidential elections in which security is a big issue. Defense spokesman Major-General Chris Ol...
  • Boko Haram crisis: Nigeria estimates Baga deaths at 150

    news BBC, 12 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    Nigeria says the number of people who lost their lives in an assault by Boko Haram militants on the town of Baga last week was no more than 150. The defence ministry said this figure included "many of the terrorists" who had attacked the town in Borno state and faced resistance by troops. Loca...