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يوجد 4115 نتيجة

  • Only a quarter of confiscated land being used: minister

    news Myanmar Times, 23 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    Less than one-quarter of all land concessions awarded to private companies have actually been developed, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation has revealed, as it called on regional governments to move faster on resolving land disputes. More than 6400 companies have been awarded concessions ...
  • Karen Parties In Move To Be One For 2015 Election

    news Karen News, 22 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    The leaders of four different Karen political parties met over two days to discuss how to merge their organisations into one for Burma’s next general election in 2015. In an effort to merge the parties, leaders of the Phalon-Sawaw Democratic Party, the Karen People’s Party, the Karen State Democrac...
  • Karen Villagers Demand Compensation For Land Losses Caused By Cement Factory

    news Karen News, 20 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    armers have demanded compensation for their land confiscated and for losses of land to mining and a cement factory in Hlakar village track, in Hpa-an, Karen State. The Hlakar farmers held a meeting in the village on September 12 that decided to present their five-point demands through the Member of...
  • Govt plans to solve land confiscation issues within a year

    news Eleven Newsmedia, 19 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    The government held a meeting in Nay Pyi Taw on Tuesday to discuss land confiscation cases included the report from the parliamentary Farmland Investigation Commission. It has promised to solve these issues within a year. During the meeting, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation Myint Hlaing said ...
  • Myanmar Government, Kachin Rebels to Hold Top-Level Peace Talks

    news Radio Free Asia, 17 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    Myanmar’s Kachin rebel leaders have agreed to meet with top government peace negotiators next month in a bid to forge a cease-fire agreement that could pave the way for a nationwide peace accord encompassing all of the country’s armed ethnic groups, negotiation committee members said Tuesday. Th...
  • Myanmar calls on stake holders to cooperate in census

    news Xinhua, 17 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    Myanmar has called for all stake holders to cooperate in taking first nationwide census in three decades in 2014 for working out national development plan. Minister of Immigration and Population U Khin Yi spoke out to the media that the 12-day census taking, using a work force of 120, 000, will b...
  • Govt, armed ethnic groups explore census-taking in insecure places

    news Eleven Newsmedia, 16 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    The Ministry of Immigration and Population is discussing a proposal with armed ethnic groups to take the 2014 census in insecure places, said Minister Khin Yi. The proposed move was revealed during a briefing on the 2014 nationwide census, held in Yangon on September 15. “Priority will be given to...
  • President U Thein Sein meets 88 Generation Peace and Open Society Group

    news President Office, 15 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    President U Thein Sein held talks with the 88 Generation Peace and Open Society Group led by U Min Ko Naing at the meeting hall of farmer educative mechanized farming model plantation (500-acre) here this morning. They held a cordial discussion on emergence of all-inclusive political process for en...
  • First draft for nationwide ceasefire ready for perusal

    news Shan Herald, 13 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    The joint Karen-Shan technical team and the government established Myanmar Peace Center (MPC) completed the first draft of the Nationwide Ceasefire Accord during a 2-day meeting which ended yesterday, 12 September, according to Sao Yawd Serk, leader of the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan Stat...
  • KNU supports Karen businesses

    news Karen News, 12 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    The Karen National Union in a move to get behind locally owned businesses has offered its support to Karen entrepreneurs. The Karen National Union’s Mergui-Tavoy District said it is ready to offer its support to Karen companies wanting to set up business in its area. In a recent meeting in Dawei, ...