نموذج البحث

يوجد 1255 نتيجة

  • Somalia's al Shabaab says stones man to death for rape

    news Source: Reuters - Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:03 GMT, 22 Oct 2014 (9 years ago )
    In this file photo from 2012, Somali police forces patrol the town of Afgoye to the south of Mogadishu in Lower Shabelle region, Somalia. REUTERS/Feisal Omar
  • Kenyan military kill five militants, seize TNT explosives

    news Source: Reuters - Mon, 20 Oct 2014 20:12 GMT, 22 Oct 2014 (9 years ago )
    By Joseph Akwiri MOMBASA, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Kenyan soldiers have killed five suspected al Shabaab militants near the border with Ethiopia and recovered a vehicle packed with explosives, preventing a potentially huge attack, a defence spokesman said on Monday. Kenyan forces intercepted the fiv...
  • Gunning down the taxmen of Somalia

    news Hamza Mohamed Last updated: 20 Oct 2014 10:27, 20 Oct 2014 (9 years ago )
    Mogadishu, Somalia - Feysal Mohamed Ahmed is a man living in fear. He is tasked with the unenviable job of collecting taxes in a city awash with small arms and where people aren't accustomed to paying government taxes.
  • Somalia leader says his advisers not helping Islamist militants

    news Source: Reuters - Fri, 17 Oct 2014 22:02 GMT, 17 Oct 2014 (9 years ago )
    (Adds U.N. monitoring group recommendations, diplomats, paragraphs 7-9) By John Irish PARIS, Oct 17 (Reuters) - Somalia's president said on Friday that nobody close to him had been involved in the unauthorised diversion of government weapons to Islamist militants and denied that a man U.N inve...
  • UN Special Representative for Somalia condemns Mogadishu bomb attacks

    news UNSOM website, 16 Oct 2014 (9 years ago )
    Mogadishu, 16 October 2014 – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Nicholas Kay, condemned last night’s bomb attack outside a popular restaurant in Mogadishu resulting in the death and injury of many people.
  • Displaced families arrive in Baidoa

    news radioergo.org, 15 Oct 2014 (9 years ago )
    More than 150 families displaced from Tiyeglow and its surroundings have settled in a new IDP camp on the outskirts of Baidoa. The IDPs, who are mostly women and children, have been displaced by fighting between Al-Shabaab fighters and the Somali government troops in parts of Bakol region. The...
  • Somali militants kill five with car bomb in Mogadishu

    news Source: Reuters - Wed, 15 Oct 2014 20:21 GMT, 15 Oct 2014 (9 years ago )
    (Adds al Shabaab claim of responsibility, background) By Feisal Omar MOGADISHU, Oct 15 (Reuters) - At least five people were killed and several wounded when a car bomb planted by Islamist militant group al Shabaab exploded near restaurants on a busy street in the Somali capital on Wednesday. ...
  • Car bomb explodes outside Mogadishu restaurant - witness

    news Source: Reuters - Wed, 15 Oct 2014 17:10 GMT, 15 Oct 2014 (9 years ago )
    MOGADISHU, Oct 15 (Reuters) - A car bomb exploded outside a restaurant in the Somali capital on Wednesday evening, causing some casualties, a witness said, but it was not clear how many people were injured or killed.
  • Sierra Leone residents clash with police over Ebola response

    news Reuters - Tue, 14 Oct 2014 21:12 GMT, 14 Oct 2014 (9 years ago )
    A woman bleeds from the head after being struck by a police officer after residents placed roadblocks on a street to demand faster removal of dead bodies infected with Ebola virus in the Aberdeen district of Freetown, Sierra Leone, October 14, 2014. REUTERS/Josephus Olu-Mammah
  • ACT Alliance Preliminary Appeal: Drought and Food insecurity in Somalia

    news ACT Alliance - Switzerland - Tue, 14 Oct 2014 14:43 GMT, 14 Oct 2014 (9 years ago )
    Preliminary Appeal Somalia Drought and Food insecurity in Somalia – SOM141 Preliminary Appeal Target: US${esc.dollar} 2,797,367 Balance Requested: US${esc.dollar} 2,732,767 Geneva, 14 October 2014 The humanitarian situation in Somalia remains dire with drought alerts being sounded....