نموذج البحث

يوجد 61 نتيجة

  • The Fistula Foundation visited Dadaab today and identified patients to benefit from surgical care.
    highlight 16 Mar 2015 (9 years ago)
    Kenya Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs
  • Voluntary return support now available for all refugees in Dadaab. Returnees will get reintegration assistance in 9 districts in Somalia.
    highlight 02 Jun 2015 (9 years ago)
    Kenya Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs
  • MSF evacuates 42 staff from Dadaab to Nairiboi and closes health posts due to security concerns
    highlight 28 May 2015 (9 years ago)
    Kenya Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs
  • 11 of 30 boreholes in Dadaab camps now use solar power. This has reduced fuel costs per borehole by 40%.
    highlight 01 Jun 2015 (9 years ago)
    Kenya Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs
  • On 3 and 4 June, UNHCR and partners engaged the refugee community in the second part of the 2015 Participatory Assessment.
    highlight 11 Jun 2015 (9 years ago)
    Kenya Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs
  • 116 refugees return from Dadaab camps to Mogadishu in first voluntary return airlift
    highlight 05 Aug 2015 (9 years ago)
    Kenya Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs
  • Incoming Somali Ambassador to Kenya, Mr. Gamal Mohamed Hassan, visited Dadaab refugee camps and met with various refugee representatives today.
    highlight 03 Sep 2015 (9 years ago)
    Kenya Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs
  • WFP and UNHCR are preparing for Bamba Chakul - an electronic cash transfer systerm. 10% of distributed cereal rations to be converted into food vouchers.
    highlight 18 Sep 2015 (9 years ago)
    Kenya Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs
  • Ministry of Health declared the end of the Cholera outbreak in Dadaab refugee camps. Last positive case recorded on 16 July. Close monitoring continues.
    highlight 10 Sep 2015 (9 years ago)
    Kenya Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs
  • Total number of returnees assisted under the voluntary return process to date: 4,108
    highlight 15 Sep 2015 (9 years ago)
    Kenya Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs