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يوجد 878 شركاء

الترتيب حسب:
  • Dévai Fogadó

    Dévai Fogadó

    Dévai Fogadó

    In the maintenance of the Lutheran Parish of Budapest-Józsefváros, a new community house for refugees started its operation from the autumn of 2022.
  • Développement Rural À l'Ouest -lutte contre la faim

    Développement Rural À l'Ouest -lutte contre la faim

    Autorisation et Autosuffisance communautaires - réintégration durable des rapatriés ivoiriens à l'ouest de la côte d'ivoire.
  • EMMA Association

    EMMA Association


    EMMA is a community: a community of peers and professionals that looks at women's life paths primarily through the period of childbearing and works to improve the social situation of mothers. At the forefront of our activities are the years of pregnancy, childbirth and early childhood education, as well as the social systems closely related to this, with special attention to the obstetric care system. We believe in the power of cooperation and solidarity between women. We encourage women to do something for themselves and each other and to take responsibility for change at the social level. As helpers and professionals, we consider it a priority not to break away from the reality experienced by women, to accept the experiences of mothers in their individual-community-social context, to understand them and to strive for change with this in mind. We believe that all women are equally entitled to dignity, security, freedom and self-determination at every moment of their lives. We live and see women's life in its complexity, we are convinced that some aspects and challenges of it are interrelated, so we are committed to the cooperation of groups active in women's topics. Our core values are freedom, authenticity, acceptance and joyfulness, which we strive to experience on a personal, organizational and community level.


    EASO is an agency of the European Union set up by Regulation (EU) 439/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The agency: acts as a centre of expertise on asylum; contributes to the development of the Common European Asylum System by facilitating, coordinating and strengthening practical cooperation among Member States on the many aspects of asylum; helps Member States fulfill their European and international obligations to give protection to people in need; provides practical and technical support to Member States and the European Commission; provides operational support to Member States with specific needs and to Member States whose asylum and reception systems are under particular pressure; provides evidence-based input for EU policymaking and legislation in all areas having a direct or indirect impact on asylum. Ref: https://www.easo.europa.eu/about-us
  • Earth is Home (Dunya Evimiz)

    Earth is Home

    Our association has been founded, on the basis of human rights and freedoms, for the purpose of displaying solidarity with segments of society who need support in order to live a good life on earth, particularly with the poor, women and children oppressed and exposed to violence, communities facing discrimination, with people who are forced to live their life as asylum seeker/refugees; displaced or forced to leave their homes; Within the framework of this solidarity, taking care of vital and cultural needs of these segments of society, especially food, sheltering, health and education; Engaging in activities in order to provide these segments of society access their rights and opportunities granted to them by international agreements, constitution and laws, and work together with related persons and agencies on national and international level within the framework of these activities; Conducting documentation works and researches that would pave the way for generation of ideas and scientific studies about social problems faced by these segments of society. Our hope, as Earth is Home International Solidarity Association, is towards the establishment of a more humane environment and future on the world scale. Our association which has been founded in order to offer humble contributions to this big hope will conduct all of its activities, from individual contributions to social propositions, by attaching the same level of importance without any motive of profit.