نموذج البحث

يوجد 939 شركاء

الترتيب حسب:
  • Nada Elazhar for Disaster Prevention and Sustainable Development


    Sudanese NGO specializing in protection assistance for displaced populations in Sudan.
  • National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men

    National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men


    The National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men (ANES) has the mission to promote the principle of equal opportunities and treatment between women and men, in order to eliminate all forms of discrimination based on sex and to prevent and combat domestic violence, by implementing measures, policies and programs adapted to the needs of victims. As a specialized institution within the central public administration, subordinated to the Government of Romania, ANES has assumed the noble goal of using every instrument at its disposal to build a fair society.
  • National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men


    The National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men (ANES) has the mission to promote the principle of equal opportunities and treatment between women and men, in order to eliminate all forms of discrimination based on sex and to prevent and combat domestic violence, by implementing measures, policies and programs adapted to the needs of victims. As a specialized institution within the central public administration, subordinated to the Government of Romania, ANES has assumed the noble goal of using every instrument at its disposal to build a fair society.
  • National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men

    National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men


    The National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men (ANES) has the mission to promote the principle of equal opportunities and treatment between women and men, in order to eliminate all forms of discrimination based on sex and to prevent and combat domestic violence, by implementing measures, policies and programs adapted to the needs of victims. As a specialized institution within the central public administration, subordinated to the Government of Romania, ANES has assumed the noble goal of using every instrument at its disposal to build a fair society.
  • National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men

    National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men


    The National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men (ANES) has the mission to promote the principle of equal opportunities and treatment between women and men, in order to eliminate all forms of discrimination based on sex and to prevent and combat domestic violence, by implementing measures, policies and programs adapted to the needs of victims. As a specialized institution within the central public administration, subordinated to the Government of Romania, ANES has assumed the noble goal of using every instrument at its disposal to build a fair society.
  • National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men

    National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men


    The National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men (ANES) has the mission to promote the principle of equal opportunities and treatment between women and men, in order to eliminate all forms of discrimination based on sex and to prevent and combat domestic violence, by implementing measures, policies and programs adapted to the needs of victims. As a specialized institution within the central public administration, subordinated to the Government of Romania, ANES has assumed the noble goal of using every instrument at its disposal to build a fair society.
  • National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men

    National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men


    The National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men (ANES) has the mission to promote the principle of equal opportunities and treatment between women and men, in order to eliminate all forms of discrimination based on sex and to prevent and combat domestic violence, by implementing measures, policies and programs adapted to the needs of victims. As a specialized institution within the central public administration, subordinated to the Government of Romania, ANES has assumed the noble goal of using every instrument at its disposal to build a fair society.
  • National Authority for the Protection of Child Rights and Adoption

    National Authority for the Protection of Child Rights and Adoption


    The mission of the National Authority for the Protection of Children's Rights and Adoption (ANPDCA) is to protect and promote the rights of children in Romania. When we talk about children in various situations of vulnerability, our role is to use all legal and institutional levers to ensure that the rights of those we serve are respected. We believe in the evolutionary potential of each child, as well as in their right to dignity, family and inclusion at all levels of social life. To achieve this goal, we are aware that a coordinated effort is needed from all central and local public institutions with direct or tangential responsibilities in the protection and promotion of children's rights. On the other hand, we encourage and support the involvement of civil society and all social actors to promote an inclusive approach, in the spirit of human rights with regard to children. ANPDCA also aims to exercise its responsibilities in the spirit of openness and closeness to people. The principle we assume in this mission is that "every child matters".
  • National Center for Social Solidarity (EKKA Greece)

    National Center for Social Solidarity (EKKA Greece)


    The National Centre for Social Solidarity (E.K.K.A.) is a State Organization based in Athens under the authority of the Ministry of Labour, Social Insurance and Social Solidarity. It was established in terms of the article 6 Bill 3106/2003, with the name the National Centre for Emergency Social Aid (E.K.A.K.B.) and renamed as E.K.K.A. in terms of the article 20 Bill 3402/2005. The tasks of the Organization of E.K.K.A. are specified in the Presidential Decree 22/2006.
  • National Commission for Refugees and Displaced Persons


    National Commission for Refugees and Displaced Persons (SP-CNRA)