نموذج البحث

يوجد 931 شركاء

الترتيب حسب:
  • Angels of Salvation

    Angels of Salvation


    Charitable foundation "Angels of Salvation"
  • Anhar for Peace, Development work Organization


    ANAHAR for Peace, Development andHumanitarian Work) (APDHWO) is a voluntary non-governmental, non-profitable organization established in 2009 and registered officially at Humanitarian Aid Commission ND office. CHF, WHO , UNICEF, UNFPA , WFP , UNHAS, MoH, WES considered as traditional donors for the NGO core fund, and its Operations mainly in PHC, WASH ( both hard and software) , Nutrition OTP and TSFP Programs for conflicts affected Communities in El serief (El serief locality); Shangil Tobayi camps and town (Dar El salam locality); and Abushouk (El Fasher locality), Alabsi camp(Malliet)locality, ) in (Karoya and Uzban ) El tweisha Locality, in North Darfur State Sudan.
  • Antonio Vieira Association - Jesuits of Brazil


    Associação Antônio Vieira (ASAV) é a mantenedora de 21 unidades no Brasil. São instituições de ensino e entidades de assistência social, dentre as quais a Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (São Leopoldo e Porto Alegre/RS) e os colégios Anchieta (Porto Alegre/RS), Catarinense (Florianópolis/SC), Medianeira (Curitiba/PR) e a Escola Padre Arrupe (Teresina/PI). Orientadas pelos preceitos Jesuítas, as cinco instituições de ensino somam, aproximadamente, 45 mil alunos.
  • Apoyar



    Colombian NGO
  • Appui au Developpement Integre

    Appui au Developpement Integre


    Appui au Developpement Integre
  • Arab Center for Consulting and Training Services


    ACCTS Aims to support poor and marginalized people in order to enable them to improve their standard of living in addition to reducing the effect of poverty and marginalization on their lives.
  • Arab Council for Supporting Fair Trials and Human Rights Egypt

    Arab Council for Supporting Fair Trials and Human Rights Egypt

    ACSFT Egypt

    Arab Council for Supporting Fair Trials and Human Rights is an Egyptian NGO that provides refugees in Egypt, including Syrians, with legal support.
  • Arab Institute for Human Rights


    The Arab Institute for Human Rights is an independent Arab non-governmental organization based in Tunisia. It was founded in 1989 at the initiative of the Arab Organization for Human Rights, the Arab Lawyers Union, and the Tunisian League for Human Rights and with the support of the United Nations Centre for Human Rights. The Institute received the UNESCO International Award for Human Rights Education for the year 1992.Goals :The Arab Institute for Human Rights aims to promote a culture of civil, political, economic, social and cultural human rights, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international conventions, and to strengthen the values of democracy and citizenship.
  • Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development

    Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development

    ARDD - Jordan

    ARDD is a civil society organization and a think tank that aspires to create all-inclusive intellectual and developmental change in the spirit of the Nahda - The Arab Renaissance through achieving social, economic, and political justice, and assisting vulnerable segments of society in acquiring their rights.