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Number of results: 3056

  • ILO Blog: How governments can drive demand for crop insurance - Evidence from Zambia and Kenya. Agriculture is an inherently risky activity, with farmers facing natural risks, climatic shocks and, more recently in Ukraine, non-agricultural shocks that increase fertiliser prices. Still, the demand for agricultural insurance has so far been low if offered to farmers as a standalone product. In ILO's latest blog, we explore how bundled agricultural insurance can grow farmers' demand for agricultural inputs and help increase their farming outputs. Read more here:
    highlight 31 Aug 2022 (1 year ago)
  • In Tanzania, UNHCR’s Grandi urges more backing for solutions as the country continues to host refugees: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, concluded a visit to the United Republic of Tanzania today with a call for more donor support for solutions, including sustainable voluntary returns. During his three-day visit, Grandi met with Tanzania’s President, Samia Suluhu Hassan, and discussed the importance of creating favourable conditions for the return of Burundian refugees, while ensuring all refugees in Tanzania are protected and assisted. Read more here:
    highlight 27 Aug 2022 (1 year ago)
  • New group of refugee traders live their dreams at QVM: A man who fled civil war in East Africa more than two decades ago is among a new group of refugees realising their dreams at the Queen Victoria Market (QVM). Read more here:
    highlight 24 Aug 2022 (1 year ago)
  • The registration of refugee families who wish to voluntarily repatriate continued in Mantapala settlement, with the cumulative number of individuals now registered for voluntary return standing at 11,031 comprising 2,698 families. The Resettlement Team in Zambia continued to submit cases to meet the 200 individual quota allocated by Finland with a possibility of over submission by a margin of 40 individuals to attain a total of 240. individuals. In coordination with partners, WFP distributed cash for monthly food assistance to 17,546 refugees (8,936 females and 8,610 males) in Mantapala settlement 297 new asylum-seekers arrived in Zambia in May mainly from the DRC. 47,911 Individuals were reached with messages on communicable diseases such as Covid-19 under Risk Communication. 14,376 Individuals received out-patient department (OPD) consultation services in May in the three refugee settlements and urban areas.
    highlight 10 Aug 2022 (1 year ago)
  • The registration of refugee families who wish to voluntarily repatriate continued in Mantapala settlement, with the cumulative number of individuals now registered for voluntary return standing at 11,031 comprising 2,698 families. The Resettlement Team in Zambia continued to submit cases to meet the 200 individual quota allocated by Finland with a possibility of over submission by a margin of 40 individuals to attain a total of 240. individuals. In coordination with partners, WFP distributed cash for monthly food assistance to 17,546 refugees (8,936 females and 8,610 males) in Mantapala settlement 297 new asylum-seekers arrived in Zambia in May mainly from the DRC. 47,911 Individuals were reached with messages on communicable diseases such as Covid-19 under Risk Communication. 14,376 Individuals received out-patient department (OPD) consultation services in May in the three refugee settlements and urban areas.
    highlight 10 Aug 2022 (1 year ago)
  • Investing in Refugee Entrepreneurs in East Africa: Wharton’s Katherine Klein talks to Julienne Oyler, co-founder and CEO of the African Entrepreneur Collective, which helps micro, small, and medium businesses across East Africa.
    highlight 08 Aug 2022 (1 year ago)
  • On 20 July - UNHCR, AfDB, IGAD and EAC launch project to enhance investment climate in refugee and IDP-hosting and return areas in the East, Horn of Africa and Great Lakes region. Read more about this regional program here:
    highlight 20 Jul 2022 (1 year ago)
  • In May, 149 Rwandan refugees were repatriated in safety and dignity to their country of origin from North and South Kivu Provinces.  441 displaced and host households received core relief items, shelter kits and food assistance in Rutshuru, North Kivu Province  108 households affected by the floods of Lake Tanganyika received material kits and cash to reconstruct their own shelters in South Kivu Province.  UNHCR partner World Vision distributed water and sanitation kits to 5,250 CAR refugees in Nzakara, Sidi and Wenze development hubs, North and South Ubangi.
    highlight 06 Jul 2022 (2 years ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo / Congo (Democratic Republic) - Refugees
  • On 22 June, for the first time in two years since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNHCR and the Bureau for Aliens and Foreign Immigrants Affairs (BAFIA) of the Ministry of Interior, brought together refugees, host communities, government officials, members of the diplomatic community and humanitarian and development partners to celebrate the courage, talent and resilience of millions of Afghans exiled in the country. A photography exhibition showcasing Iran’s long history of hosting refugees, starting from the 16th century with Armenians to this date, was one of the main features of the event. A refugee handicraft bazaar also attracted large numbers of people to appreciate Afghan crafts, cuisine and music at the landmark Milad Tower.
    highlight 05 Jul 2022 (2 years ago)
    Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • World Bank Approves $180 Million to Step-Up Support for Refugees and Host Communities in Ethiopia: The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the second phase of the Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project in the Horn of Africa (DRDIP II) for $180 million in International Development Association (IDA*) financing to help Ethiopia improve access to basic social and economic services, expand livelihood opportunities, and enhance environmental management for refugees and their host communities.
    highlight 28 Jun 2022 (2 years ago)