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Number of results: 3059

  • 54,104 displaced and hosting community members received CRIs and dignity kits in Masisi and Rutshuru Territories, North Kivu Province, during the month of December 2021.
    highlight 31 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • 300 Congolese refugees living in Zambia who had expressed wish to return to their country of origin have returned to the DRC, Tanganyika Province, in safety and dignity during the month of December 2021.
    highlight 31 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Continuation of the biometric enrolment activity in the Kasai region. As of 31st December 2021, a total of 67,929 people (15,932 households) have been enrolled by the UNHCR in the Sub-Delegation of Kananga in Grand Kasai Provinces, including IDPs, returnees and members of host communities.
    highlight 31 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • On 22 December 2021, UNHCR welcomed the United Kingdom’s donation of GBP 2 million (equivalent to some USD 2.7 million) to help us stay prepared to protect and assist Afghans fleeing to Iran seeking safety. This contribution makes the UK the third largest donor to UNHCR’s operation in Iran this year. The United Kingdom’s contribution will go towards procuring basic food items and tents, blankets, and jerrycans, to be distributed to new arrivals, allowing them to meet their basic needs in dignity. This contribution demonstrates the United Kingdom’s efforts to fulfill the spirit of responsibility-sharing, international cooperation, and solidarity outlined in the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) and spearheaded by the Core Group for the Support Platform for the Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees (SSAR), of which the UK is a prominent member.
    highlight 22 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)
    Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • UNHCR High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi, visited Iran from 21-23 December 2021. During his visit, the High Commissioner urged the international community to scale up its support to the Government and people of Iran, who are receiving Afghans fleeing a deteriorating situation in their country. According to preliminary estimates by the Government of Iran, up to 500,000 Afghans have arrived in Iran in 2021. The High Commissioner met with Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mr. Amirabdolahian, the Minister of Interior, Mr. Vahidi, and the Minister of Health, Dr. Einollahi, to discuss ways forward to manage and assist newly arriving Afghans, including through registration and documentation. He also called on the government to recognize the protection needs and risks faced on return to Afghanistan. Grandi traveled to Zahedan, the capital of Sistan and Baluchistan province, where he met with Afghan families, including infants and elderly people, who fled to Iran from Nimrooz some four months ago.
    highlight 21 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)
    Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • As of 15 December 2021, 5,500 CAR refugees (1,566 households) have been voluntarily repatriated from Mole, Boyabu and Inke camps (North and South Ubangi Provinces) to Central African Republic in security and safety by UNHCR in collaboration with its partners.
    highlight 15 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • On 15 December 2021, UNHCR and UNICEF, welcomed the contribution of USD 2.5 million by the Republic of Korea in support of programs to help Afghan refugees in the Islamic Republic of Iran. UNHCR and UNICEF will work together to maximize the impact of this funding, which will go towards enhancing joint preparedness measures to enable us to cope with the large number of Afghan asylum-seekers fleeing to Iran. This will include activities to improve access to clean water, construction and maintenance of latrines, showers and laundry facilities for some 7,000 people in two new refugee hosting sites that are being constructed by UN agencies and partners in border areas.
    highlight 15 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)
    Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • UNHCR, States, partners meet today to assess Global Refugee Forum’s progress: The first follow-up to the Global Refugee Forum starts today. The High-Level Officials Meeting, a two-day virtual event, will bring together senior government officials, refugees and various stakeholders, to take stock of progress on how the world responds to refugee situations. Watch the livestream here:
    highlight 14 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)
  • IFC - Uganda’s refugee market valued at sh1.7 trillion – IFC report. Refugee hosting areas in the West Nile and Southwest region spend over $485m (sh1.7 trillion) per year to purchase consumer goods, according to a study by the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The West Nile region accounts for $246m (sh885b), representing 51%. This is largely driven by the host community's spending, at $201m (sh723b). On the other hand, the Southwest region contributes $239m (49%) to the total.
    highlight 13 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)
  • IRC warns progress towards the commitments of the Global Compact on Refugees is alarmingly off-track: Ahead of officials meeting on 14-15 December to take stock of progress towards the objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) warns of dire gaps in international support for refugees and the communities that host them.
    highlight 10 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)