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Number of results: 3056

  • UNHCR launched the Syria Regional Response Plan on 22 March. Official data from surrounding countries and UNHCR’s own registration figures indicate that as of March 2012, around 40,000 people have fled from Syria to the neighbouring countries of Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq. While international and national agencies, in close coordination with the host governments, continue to respond to the immediate needs caused by this displacement, a common strategy and coordination mechanism is key for the effective planning of an adequate humanitarian response. This Syria Regional Response Plan includes an appeal for $84 million to fund protection and assistance activities for displaced Syrians.
    highlight 22 Mar 2012 (12 years ago)
    Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • The relocation of Malian refugees from Fassala to Mbera has come to an end with 39,490 relocated safely and in dignity. HCR has started a system of continuous registration in Fassala and daily relocation to Mbera, if necessary.
    highlight 20 Mar 2012 (12 years ago)
    Algeria Mali / Mali - Refugee Returnees Mauritania / Mali - Refugees Burkina Faso / Mali - Refugees Niger / Mali - Refugees / Burkina Faso - Refugees / Mali - IDPs / Mali - Refugee Returnees / Niger - Refugees / Mauritania - Refugees
  • UNHCR are now distributing school kits to all registered Syrian children in an effort to encourage school attendance at local Jordanian public schools. Kits include bag, along with reading and writing materials.
    highlight 20 Mar 2012 (12 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • UNHCR Jordan held an internal strategy meeting on Monday, March 19, as operation enters a new phase in response to Syrian unrest. The meeting presented an opportunity for broad-based discussion on the transition between an Iraqi-led operation to management of two distinct operations. An overarching theme was leveraging BO Amman\'s expertise in delivering assistance and protection in an urban context to Syrian persons of concern.
    highlight 19 Mar 2012 (12 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Les deux derniers grand convois de transfert des réfugiés Maliens du Centre de transit de Fassala a Mbera seront organises ce Samedi 17 et Dimanche 18, avec un total de prés de 11,000. Vu, les arrivées quotidienne a Fassala, en moyenne 300 par jour, un groupe de l'équipe d'enregistrement sera maintenu sur place afin de les enregistrer puis de les acheminer sur le camp de Mbera.
    highlight 17 Mar 2012 (12 years ago)
    Algeria Mali / Mali - Refugee Returnees Mauritania / Mali - Refugees Burkina Faso / Mali - Refugees Niger / Mali - Refugees / Burkina Faso - Refugees / Mali - IDPs / Mali - Refugee Returnees / Niger - Refugees / Mauritania - Refugees
  • Au cours de sa visite en Mauritanie, le coordinateur pour la situation du Mali Mr. Tapsoba Valentin ensemble avec les représentantes du HCR et de UNICEF en Mauritanie se sont rendus au camp de transit de Fassala puis au Camp de Mbera ou ils ont rencontre l’équipe d'urgence du HCR et la famille des humanitaires. A cette occasion Mr. Tapsoba devant la communauté réfugiés a remercie les autorités locales pour leur générosité et a félicité l’équipe d'urgence pour sa rapide réponse et pour les effort déployés depuis le début de la crise. (voir photos)
    highlight 15 Mar 2012 (12 years ago)
    Algeria Mali / Mali - Refugee Returnees Mauritania / Mali - Refugees Burkina Faso / Mali - Refugees Niger / Mali - Refugees / Burkina Faso - Refugees / Mali - IDPs / Mali - Refugee Returnees / Niger - Refugees / Mauritania - Refugees
  • Following the high level mission to Chinegodrar over the weekend (9-11March), UNHCR and IOM went back on 12 March to start registering those refugees who are willing to move to either Ouallam or Abala. Registration is expected to go on until the end of the week. Work at the Ouallam site remains stationary. UNHCR site planner, WASH expert and ACTED have started to develop the Abala site.
    highlight 14 Mar 2012 (12 years ago)
    Algeria Mali / Mali - Refugee Returnees Mauritania / Mali - Refugees Burkina Faso / Mali - Refugees Niger / Mali - Refugees / Burkina Faso - Refugees / Mali - IDPs / Mali - Refugee Returnees / Niger - Refugees / Mauritania - Refugees
  • The joint assessment mission (OCHA, WFP, UNICEF, Africare and the Nigerien Red Cross) submitted its report on 12 March, with the following conclusions: refugees in the area are not new, although information is new. They come from in Mali (Andrambukane). They have no food and have received NFIs by UNHCR. Water, sanitation, health, nutrition and other services are major assistance gaps.
    highlight 14 Mar 2012 (12 years ago)
    Algeria Mali / Mali - Refugee Returnees Mauritania / Mali - Refugees Burkina Faso / Mali - Refugees Niger / Mali - Refugees / Burkina Faso - Refugees / Mali - IDPs / Mali - Refugee Returnees / Niger - Refugees / Mauritania - Refugees
  • WASH: MSF(CH) will implement all WASH activities in refugee areas. MSF has set up water bladders in Ayourou, Mangaize, in addition to Chinegodrar and Ouallam. UNHCR will conduct a study of permanent water supply to replace the costly water trucking. MSF will also set up WASH activities in Abala camp.
    highlight 14 Mar 2012 (12 years ago)
    Algeria Mali / Mali - Refugee Returnees Mauritania / Mali - Refugees Burkina Faso / Mali - Refugees Niger / Mali - Refugees / Burkina Faso - Refugees / Mali - IDPs / Mali - Refugee Returnees / Niger - Refugees / Mauritania - Refugees
  • Health and Nutrition: After the joint field health assessment mission, projects identified for implementation by UNHCR are: the provision of transport and ambulances, rehabilitation/expansion of health centres, construction of staff quarters and procurement of basic equipment, to be activated immediately for the Departments of Tilabery, Ouallam and Fillingue.
    highlight 14 Mar 2012 (12 years ago)
    Algeria Mali / Mali - Refugee Returnees Mauritania / Mali - Refugees Burkina Faso / Mali - Refugees Niger / Mali - Refugees / Burkina Faso - Refugees / Mali - IDPs / Mali - Refugee Returnees / Niger - Refugees / Mauritania - Refugees