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Number of results: 3056

  • • A meeting was organized on Tuesday, 5 December 2023, by the Zambia Civil Liberties Union (ZCLU), a local NGO, with Members of Parliament to discuss refugees and statelessness. Many MPs attended the session, asking several questions and expressing political concerns. Clarifications were provided to the concerns raised by the MPs. The UNHCR Representative, the Commissioner for Refugees (COR), and refugees attended the meeting. UNHCR, directly or through partners, will continue to engage different stakeholders to further the interest of the people we serve.
    highlight 23 Jan 2024 (5 months ago)
  • Top Organizations Unlock New Investments to Support the World’s Most Vulnerable: Partners of the World Economic Forum’s Humanitarian and Resilience Investing Initiative announce over 50 commitments that will boost impact investment and could unlock over $15 billion. Read more here:
    highlight 16 Jan 2024 (5 months ago)
  • ILO's Youth-to-Youth Fund to tackle youth unemployment in Ethiopia: Youth-led organizations in Ethiopia participated in a competition to secure financial and technical support for their proposals to promote decent work and economic inclusion of young people from the host and refugee communities. Read more:
    highlight 12 Jan 2024 (5 months ago)
  • PROSPECTS podcast series: Episode 2: Understanding Digital Risks: Protecting Displaced and Host Communities in the Digital Economy. Digital risks pose significant challenges for refugees and host communities in the digital economy, from identity theft to privacy concerns and more. How do we help people safely navigate and work in the digital economy, in particular on platform work? In this second episode, Dr. Aaron Martin, Assistant Professor of Media Studies and Data Science at the University of Virginia, discusses how these risks impact individuals and businesses in online work. He highlights the need for diverse stakeholders to address these risks, emphasizing the importance of awareness, digital literacy, and fair work environments. Access the podcast here:
    highlight 11 Jan 2024 (6 months ago)
  • Refugee-led Initiatives sent a strong message for Climate Action at GRF 2023: As the Global Refugee-Led Network actively participated in the GRF 2023, the stage was set for a global dialogue that transcends borders, fostering a future where every voice counts in the fight against climate change. Together, these entities forge a path towards a tomorrow that is sustainable, inclusive, and shaped by the collective voice of the displaced, contributing significantly to the ongoing initiatives on inclusive climate action. Read more here:
    highlight 15 Dec 2023 (6 months ago)
  • Portraits from PROSPECTS - Visualizing change in host and refugee communities: Depicting stories of host and refugee individuals with improved self-reliance and resilience, an exhibition led by ILO PROSPECTS programme at the colonnade of ILO Headquarters will underpin ILO’s approaches promoting inclusive socio-economic growth and decent work for both host and forcibly displaced communities. The exhibition will be on from 14 December to 11 January in its first phase. See the potraits here:
    highlight 13 Dec 2023 (6 months ago)
  • Refugees fleeing Somali civil war receive grants, training, and market access to become entrepreneurs: A new program that trains refugees, displaced by the Somali civil war, to become entrepreneurs and start their own small businesses has launched within the Kobe, Hilaweyn, and Melkadida refugee camps in Ethiopia. Village Enterprise, the nonprofit seeking to end extreme poverty in rural Africa through entrepreneurship, innovation, and collective action, is expanding its DREAMS for Refugees program following success in refugee settlements in Uganda. DREAMS (Delivering Resilient Enterprises and Market Systems) for Refugees is a partnership that merges Village Enterprise’s poverty graduation program with Mercy Corps’ expertise in market systems development to equip refugees with the skills, resources, and market-linkages to start sustainable businesses and graduate from extreme poverty. DREAMS has been operating in Uganda since 2022, and the expansion to Ethiopia is supported by donations from the IKEA Foundation and the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.
    highlight 12 Dec 2023 (6 months ago)
  • A total of 10,851 individuals (2,922 families) voluntarily repatriated to the Democratic Republic of Congo between December 2021, when the first phase of the repatriation began and January 2023. The 3rd Phase of the Congolese repatriation is planned to commence in October 2023. Between 1 January and 30 September 2023, a total of 9,931 individuals were registered in the database. These comprised birth registrations, new arrivals and in-situ registrations. Of the 9,931, some 4,901 were new arrivals, with the majority from the DRC. From 1 January to 30 September 2023, some 2,409 individuals have cumulatively been submitted to various resettlement countries for resettlement consideration. 750 individuals have departed on resettlement so far this year to different countries. KEY INDICATORS 2,015 refugees were submitted to the USA as of 30 September 2023. 673 individuals departed on resettlement to various countries between 1 January and 30 September 2023. 67,197 individuals received treatment and care from the 10 settlement health facilities from 1 January to 30 September 2023. 13,096 are enrolled in schools across the three refugee settlements in Zambia, with 13% being from the host community. MAIN ACTIVITIES UNHCR and its partners support the Government to provide legal and community-based protection and social support. These interventions reached 19,817 persons in Lusaka and other urban areas, 39,838 people in the Meheba refugee settlement and 24,252 persons in the Mayukwayukwa refugee settlement in the North-Western and Western Provinces, respectively, and 8,138 persons in Mantapala settlement in Luapula Province are supported. Financial Information Contributions for the Zambia refugee operation (in US$) Total UNHCR financial requirements in 2023 for Zambia amount to US$ 25.5 million. Total recorded contributions for the UNHCR operation in Zambia as of 30 September 2023 amount to US$7,554,129 (70% funding gap). UNHCR is grateful to all donors for their continuous support. UNHCR is also grateful for unearmarked contributions made at the global level, which allow UNHCR critical flexibility to reach people in the greatest need and at the greatest risk.
    highlight 03 Nov 2023 (8 months ago)
  • The African Development Bank hosted the Africa Resilience Forum in Abidjan, advocating for “peace and security in Africa to be a goal of investment decisions” and urging closer collaboration between governments, civil society and private sector. The AfDB signed an MoU with Interpeace, to jointly promote “peace positive” economic and social development.
    highlight 09 Oct 2023 (9 months ago)
  • From 1 January to 31 August 2023, some 1,552 individuals have cumulatively been submitted to various resettlement countries for resettlement consideration. 673 individuals have departed on resettlement so far this year to different countries. 1,552 refugees were submitted to various countries for resettlement consideration between 1 January and 31 August 2023. 58,531 individuals received treatment and care from the 10-settlement health facilities from 1 January to 31 August 2023. 13,096 are enrolled in schools across the three refugee settlements in Zambia, with 13% being from the host community. MAIN ACTIVITIES UNHCR and partners support the Government to provide legal and community-based protection and social support. These interventions reach 19,299 persons in Lusaka, 39,499 people in Meheba refugee settlement and 23,906 persons in Mayukwayukwa refugee settlement, in the North-Western and Western Provinces, respectively, and 7,943 persons in Mantapala settlement in Luapula Province are supported.
    highlight 27 Sep 2023 (9 months ago)