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Number of results: 3057

  • Le HCR, l'Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés, a débuté ce mardi 10 janvier 2023 le transfert de milliers de personnes déplacées internes des sites spontanés de Kanyaruchinya, Munigi, Buhombo et Kibati vers le site officiel de Bushagara où la construction de 3000 abris d’urgence se poursuit grâce à l’ONG AIDES (Partenaire du HCR), avec les financements du Fonds Humanitaire et des fonds CERF.
    highlight 30 Jan 2023 (1 year ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • The Global Refugee Work Rights Scorecard: This scorecard is part of the 'Global Refugee Work Rights Report 2022'. The report examines refugees’ work rights in law and in practice across 51 countries that collectively host 87 percent of the world’s refugee population, including all of the top 22 refugee-hosting countries. The scorecard is available here:
    highlight 24 Jan 2023 (1 year ago)
  • Gender responsive resource recovery and reuse (RRR) innovations for home gardening, agroforestry and cooking energy: This ‘RRR in refugee context in Africa’ initiative is being implemented in four refugee settlements and their surrounding host communities in Kenya and Uganda by a partnership among CGIAR centres, UN bodies, academia and NGO’s with funding from BMZ-GIZ and USDA-NIFA. Since late 2021, over 2,200 households are involved 70% of whom are women and an additional 1,600 will be reached in 2023. Indirectly the project will reach 200,000 people. Project websites ( Contacts: Dr Mary Njenga (CIFOR-ICRAF) and Solomie Gebrezgabher (IWMI-Ghana) Resource Recovery and Reuse in Refugee Settlements in Africa. Kakuma-Kalobeyei Settlements, Kenya. Watch video here:
    highlight 18 Jan 2023 (1 year ago)
  • The government decision to extend Syrian exemptions from WP payments until 31/12/2023 is out, this includes payments for previous years, payments related to work permits, the health test, and penalties for not renewing work permits on time. (Jan 2023)
    highlight 01 Jan 2023 (1 year ago)
    Jordan Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Following recommendations from the Jordan Strategic Humanitarian Committee JoSH meeting dated November 15, where the reform process of the Inter-Sector Working Group has been endorsed; the Inter-Sector Working Group (ISWG) was tasked to come up with final renewed architecture and recommendations to be revised and endorsed by JoSH. (Dec 2022)
    highlight 31 Dec 2022 (1 year ago)
    Jordan Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • New IFC and UNHCR initiative to boost private sector engagement for refugees and their host communities: The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, today announced a joint initiative to create inclusive economic opportunities that will benefit refugees and their host communities. Among other goals, the initiative aims to mobilize private sector projects over the next five years to demonstrate the viability of investments in forced displacement contexts. Read the press release here:
    highlight 09 Dec 2022 (1 year ago)
  • World Bank: Kenya’s Economic Recovery Remains Strong, Although Slowed by Drought and Inflation: Kenya’s economy continued to rebound from the pandemic in 2022 with real gross domestic product (GDP) increasing by 6% year-on-year in the first half of 2022, driven by broad-based increases in services and industry. This recovery was dampened by global commodity price shocks, the long regional drought, and uncertainty in the run up to the 2022 general elections. Read more here:
    highlight 08 Dec 2022 (1 year ago)
  • UNHCR - The 2022 High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges, which will be held on 07 and 08 December, will focus on the theme of development cooperation aimed at advancing protection, inclusion, and solutions for forcibly displaced and stateless persons as well as host communities. Read more here:
    highlight 07 Dec 2022 (1 year ago)
  • Seizing the Agri-Food Opportunity in Eastern and Southern Africa: With more than 66 million people projected to experience food stress, emergency, or famine this year across Eastern and Southern Africa, it is imperative that we help unleash the potential of the agri-food sector—to not only put an end to hunger, but to also establish economic prosperity across the region. Read more here:
    highlight 30 Nov 2022 (1 year ago)
  • World Bank - Burundi: Certifying Land Ownership Protects the Landscape and Women as Well. The $30 million project Burundi Landscape Restoration and Resilience Project aims to restore land productivity and increase community resilience in targeted, degraded landscapes. But in its early stages, its component on land certification, designed to address some of the issues that comprise a large number of the legal cases brought before Burundian courts, has brought the project’s biggest gains. Read the feature story here:
    highlight 28 Nov 2022 (1 year ago)