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Number of results: 377

  • $74 million needed for refugees

    news GoZ, 24 May 2018 (6 years ago )
    HUMANITARIAN and development partners in Zambia will require over US$74 million in 2018 to adequately respond to the needs of Congolese refugees and local communities. Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo said Government needs additional resources to implement its refugee programmes to comple...
  • 14 Refugee children given birth certificates

    news Times of Zzambia, 08 Nov 2021 (3 years ago )
    14 Refugee children given birth certificates in Lusaka at a ceremony to mark the 7th Anniversary of the IBelong Campaign to End Statelessness
  • 387 new asylum-seekers arrived in August, bringing the total number of new arrivals between 1 January and 31 August 2021 to 4,225, 75% are from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
    highlight 04 Sep 2021 (3 years ago)
  • Download

    3W for Mantapala Settlement

    Publish date: 6 March 2019 (5 years ago)
    Create date: 6 March 2019 (5 years ago)
  • 767 (448 newly arrived asylum-seekers, 136 in-situ and 183 births were registered in July 2021).
    highlight 30 Aug 2021 (3 years ago)
  • 97 Congolese refugees (32 households) were repatriated from Mantapala settlement to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in the first week of January, In January, WFP distributed cash for food assistance, under the Cash-based Transfer (CBT) programme, to 16,965 refugees (8,309 men and 8,656 women) in Mantapala settlement. UNHCR’s livelihoods partner, Caritas Czech Republic (CCR) commenced the distribution of agricultural tools to 526 families out of the targeted 672 families in Meheba refugee settlement. received the tools. .
    highlight 20 Mar 2022 (2 years ago)
  • A total of 10,851 individuals (2,922 families) voluntarily repatriated to the Democratic Republic of Congo between December 2021, when the first phase of the repatriation began and January 2023. The 3rd Phase of the Congolese repatriation is planned to commence in October 2023. Between 1 January and 30 September 2023, a total of 9,931 individuals were registered in the database. These comprised birth registrations, new arrivals and in-situ registrations. Of the 9,931, some 4,901 were new arrivals, with the majority from the DRC. From 1 January to 30 September 2023, some 2,409 individuals have cumulatively been submitted to various resettlement countries for resettlement consideration. 750 individuals have departed on resettlement so far this year to different countries. KEY INDICATORS 2,015 refugees were submitted to the USA as of 30 September 2023. 673 individuals departed on resettlement to various countries between 1 January and 30 September 2023. 67,197 individuals received treatment and care from the 10 settlement health facilities from 1 January to 30 September 2023. 13,096 are enrolled in schools across the three refugee settlements in Zambia, with 13% being from the host community. MAIN ACTIVITIES UNHCR and its partners support the Government to provide legal and community-based protection and social support. These interventions reached 19,817 persons in Lusaka and other urban areas, 39,838 people in the Meheba refugee settlement and 24,252 persons in the Mayukwayukwa refugee settlement in the North-Western and Western Provinces, respectively, and 8,138 persons in Mantapala settlement in Luapula Province are supported. Financial Information Contributions for the Zambia refugee operation (in US$) Total UNHCR financial requirements in 2023 for Zambia amount to US$ 25.5 million. Total recorded contributions for the UNHCR operation in Zambia as of 30 September 2023 amount to US$7,554,129 (70% funding gap). UNHCR is grateful to all donors for their continuous support. UNHCR is also grateful for unearmarked contributions made at the global level, which allow UNHCR critical flexibility to reach people in the greatest need and at the greatest risk.
    highlight 03 Nov 2023 (1 year ago)
  • A total of 13,332 refugees received non-medical face masks in the three refugee settlements during the month of July 2021.
    highlight 30 Aug 2021 (3 years ago)
  • A total of 2,159 individuals in 557 families were assisted to voluntarily repatriate to DRC in September. Cumulatively, 5,807 individuals in 1,653 families had repatriated since the start of the second phase of the voluntary repatriation on 18 July 2022.
    highlight 01 Nov 2022 (2 years ago)
  • A total of 441 individuals comprising 114 families were assisted to voluntarily repatriate to the DRC in January. This brings the total number of refugees repatriated to 10,553 individuals in 2,836 families since the second phase of the voluntary repatriation programme started on 18 July 2022. 157 individuals departed under resettlement during the month of January USA: (35) and Finland (122). Eight cases comprising 26 individuals were submitted for resettlement consideration to the USA (19), Finland (7). A total of 513 people we serve (PWS) accessed Covid-19 testing services in the three refugee settlements, bringing the cumulative figure to 13,552. The number of positive cases recorded during the reporting month was 10 people we serve (PWS).
    highlight 30 Mar 2023 (1 year ago)