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Number of results: 416

  • Mission conjointe d’évaluation UNHCR/PAM

    news Mission conjointe d’évaluation UNHCR/PAM, 15 May 2013 (11 years ago )
    La mission conjointe d'évaluation PAM / UNHCR (JAM) a eu lieu dans le camp de Mbera du 15 au 19 mai 2013. Le JAM a été réalisé grâce à des discussions de groupe et à la collecte de données sur les ménages, avec la participation des autorités, des partenaires, des réfugiés et de membres des communaut...
  • On 11 April, UNHCR conducted a participatory assessment in Mbera camp, in collaboration with the Mauritanian authorities and the humanitarian organizations.
    highlight 11 Apr 2013 (11 years ago)
    Algeria Mali / Mali - Refugee Returnees Mauritania / Mali - Refugees Burkina Faso / Mali - Refugees Niger / Mali - Refugees / Burkina Faso - Refugees / Mali - IDPs / Mali - Refugee Returnees / Niger - Refugees / Mauritania - Refugees
  • On 10 April, UNHCR and the Mauritanian authorities launched the biometric registration of Malian refugees in Mbera camp.
    highlight 10 Apr 2013 (11 years ago)
    Algeria Mali / Mali - Refugee Returnees Mauritania / Mali - Refugees Burkina Faso / Mali - Refugees Niger / Mali - Refugees / Burkina Faso - Refugees / Mali - IDPs / Mali - Refugee Returnees / Niger - Refugees / Mauritania - Refugees
  • le mardi 26/03/2013, les autorités mauritaniennes et le HCR ont lancé les préparatifs pour l’enrôlement biométrique des réfugiés maliens dans le camp de Mbera.
    highlight 26 Mar 2013 (11 years ago)
    Algeria Mali / Mali - Refugee Returnees Mauritania / Mali - Refugees Burkina Faso / Mali - Refugees Niger / Mali - Refugees / Burkina Faso - Refugees / Mali - IDPs / Mali - Refugee Returnees / Niger - Refugees / Mauritania - Refugees
  • More than 16,000 people have arrived in Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Niger since the military intervention started two weeks ago.
    highlight 29 Jan 2013 (11 years ago)
    Algeria Mali / Mali - Refugee Returnees Mauritania / Mali - Refugees Burkina Faso / Mali - Refugees Niger / Mali - Refugees / Burkina Faso - Refugees / Mali - IDPs / Mali - Refugee Returnees / Niger - Refugees / Mauritania - Refugees
  • The French military and Malian troops advance northward to retake northern Mali from the insurgents, capturing some key towns such as Gao and Timbuktu
    highlight 29 Jan 2013 (11 years ago)
    Algeria Mali / Mali - Refugee Returnees Mauritania / Mali - Refugees Burkina Faso / Mali - Refugees Niger / Mali - Refugees / Burkina Faso - Refugees / Mali - IDPs / Mali - Refugee Returnees / Niger - Refugees / Mauritania - Refugees
  • The African Union (AU) has pledged a total of $50 million to help fund the military intervention to retake control of northern Mali from insurgents. The President of Cote d’Ivoire, Alassane Ouattara, the Head of ECOWAS has indicated that the multinational force operation will cost an estimated $960 million.
    highlight 29 Jan 2013 (11 years ago)
    Algeria Mali / Mali - Refugee Returnees Mauritania / Mali - Refugees Burkina Faso / Mali - Refugees Niger / Mali - Refugees / Burkina Faso - Refugees / Mali - IDPs / Mali - Refugee Returnees / Niger - Refugees / Mauritania - Refugees
  • The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Chiefs of Defence have increased their troop pledges to 5,700 troops from the planned 3,300 troops
    highlight 29 Jan 2013 (11 years ago)
    Algeria Mali / Mali - Refugee Returnees Mauritania / Mali - Refugees Burkina Faso / Mali - Refugees Niger / Mali - Refugees / Burkina Faso - Refugees / Mali - IDPs / Mali - Refugee Returnees / Niger - Refugees / Mauritania - Refugees
  • Niger President thanks UNHCR and NGO staff

    news Government, 22 Jan 2013 (11 years ago )
    This morning, 22 January, the President of the Republic of Niger, Mr. Issoufou Mahamadou, visited the city of Ouallam in Tillabéry Region, 100 km north of the country's capital Niamey. He addressed the Nigerien troops currently in stand-by in the area and waiting for further instructions regarding t...
  • Re-location of Malian refugees located near the Malian border

    news UNHCR, 30 Nov 2012 (11 years ago )
    The UNHCR Operation in Burkina Faso is currently focusing on re-locating the Malian refugees located near the Malian border to a safer refugee camp called Goudebou, on the outskirt of the city of Dori (capital of the Sahel Region). Currently, most of the refugee sites in Burkina Faso are located at ...