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Number of results: 634

  • Swiss Agency for Dev. & Coop.(SDC) Director General, Manuel Sager, visited Kakuma and Kalobeyei settlement to familiarize with UNHCR Operation in the area.
    highlight 23 Mar 2017 (7 years ago)
    Kenya / South Sudan - Refugees
  • Les refugies provenant du Sud Soudan vers la RDC mentionnent la destruction des champs, l'incendie des maisons et la peur d'etre tues comme raisons de la fuite.
    highlight 12 Mar 2017 (7 years ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo / South Sudan - Refugees
  • La Commission Nationale pour les Refugies (CNR) a organise le premier convoi des la localite frontaliere de Kurukwata vers le site de Meri avec 59 refugies SSD.
    highlight 10 Mar 2017 (7 years ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo / South Sudan - Refugees
  • Dix nouveaux hangars ont ete construits au site de Meri pour accueillir les nouveaux arrives avec une capacite de 500 personnes.
    highlight 05 Mar 2017 (7 years ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo / South Sudan - Refugees
  • La moyenne hebdomadaire des arrives pour le mois de Fevrier etait d'environ 1.500, augmentation significative par rapport au mois de Janvier (250 par semaine).
    highlight 28 Feb 2017 (7 years ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo / South Sudan - Refugees
  • Assistant Sec Gen. and UN-Habitat Deputy Executive Director Dr. Aisa Kacyira visited Kalobeyei to witness the integration projects by refugees and hosts
    highlight 21 Feb 2017 (7 years ago)
    Kenya / South Sudan - Refugees
  • A newly opened settlement in Imvepi, Arua district, began receiving new arrivals from South Sudan on 21 February.
    highlight 21 Feb 2017 (7 years ago)
    Uganda / South Sudan - Refugees
  • UNHCR continues to receive refugees from South Sudan through the Kenya – South Sudan border at Nadapal Transit centre
    highlight 20 Feb 2017 (7 years ago)
    Kenya / South Sudan - Refugees
  • In January 2017, a total of 1,116 new arrival from South Sudan were received at Nadapal before being transferred to Kakuma reception centre.
    highlight 20 Feb 2017 (7 years ago)
    Kenya / South Sudan - Refugees
  • Over 305,000 South Sudanese refugees have fled to Sudan since the start of the conflict, with nearly 11,000 refugees arriving in January.
    highlight 01 Feb 2017 (7 years ago)
    / South Sudan - Refugees