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Number of results: 1385

  • Boko Haram unrest: Nigerian militants 'kidnap 200 villagers'

    news BBC, 19 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    Militants have stormed a remote village in north-eastern Nigeria, killing at least 33 people and kidnapping about 200, a survivor has told the BBC. He said that suspected Boko Haram militants had seized young men, women and children from Gumsuri village.The attack happened on Sunday but news has on...
  • Boko Haram unrest: Nigerian militants 'kidnap dozens'

    news BBC, 18 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    Militants have stormed a remote village in north-eastern Nigeria, killing at least 33 people and kidnapping dozens, a survivor has told the BBC. He said that suspected Boko Haram militants had seized young men, women and children from Bintiri village. The attack happened on Sunday but news has only ...
  • Boko Haram kills dozens in northeast Nigeria

    news ALJAZEERA, 18 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    At least 32 killed and scores abducted in village of Gumsuri as army court sentences 54 soldiers to death for mutiny. Boko Haram fighters have killed 32 people and kidnapped scores of others in a northeastern Nigerian village, local officials and a witness said, as a court-martial sentenced 54 sold...
  • Nigeria : au moins 185 villageois enlevés

    news LE MONDE, 18 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    Au moins 185 personnes ont été enlevées et une trentaine tuées, dimanche 14 décembre, par Boko Haram lors d'un raid contre le village de Gumsuri, situé dans l'Etat de Borno dans le nord-est du Nigeria, ont déclaré jeudi 18 décembre des responsables et le chef d'une milice locale. Les islamistes ont ...
  • 54 Nigerian Soldiers Sentenced to Death for Mutiny

    news VOA, 17 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    A Nigerian army court has sentenced 54 soldiers to death for refusing to fight the militant group Boko Haram.The soldiers were charged with mutiny and cowardice after they refused orders in August to help retake three towns held by the Islamist militants in northeastern Borno state. A lawyer for the...
  • Face à Boko Haram, la France plaide pour un comité de liaison militaire

    news LE MONDE, 16 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    Le ministre français de la défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, a appelé lundi 15 décembre Abuja et ses voisins à la création d'un comité de liaison militaire pour mieux coordonner leur réponse à la menace de Boko Haram pour les pays de la région. Lors d'un forum sur la sécurité à Dakar, la capitale sénégal...
  • Boko Haram could 'disenfranchise Nigeria voters'

    news BBC, 16 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    At least 1.5 million people displaced by the Islamist insurgency in north-east Nigeria may not be able to vote in elections if the law is not changed, an electoral official has told the BBC. Discrepancies in the law needed to be resolved in "very good time" or people could be disenfranchised, he add...
  • Dépassé par les réfugiés du Nigeria, le Niger demande de l'aide

    news RFI, 14 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    Le Niger lance un appel à la solidarité nationale et internationale pour faire face à l'afflux de réfugiés en provenance du Nigeria. Cet appel fait suite à une visite de deux jours du Premier ministre Brigi Rafini à Diffa, les 10 et 11 décembre. Niamey redoute un drame humanitaire et pointe les pres...
  • Blasts kill at least 40 in Nigerian city of Jos

    news Reuters, 12 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    Jos: Two bombs exploded near a bus station in the central Nigerian city of Jos on Thursday evening, witnesses said, the second one killing at least 40 people. Bomb blasts that bore the hallmarks of Islamist Boko Haram militants killed 118 people in the same area of Jos in May. "I saw a flash o...
  • Escape from a Nightmare

    news Foreign Policy Magazine, 11 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    By Peter Bouckaert EASTERN CAMEROON — Aboubakar Goton, 40, used to be wealthy and influential. Just over a year ago, Goton, a Muslim, was the mayor of Bossemptélé, a trading center of 22,000 residents in the Central African Republic (CAR). He owned one of the town’s biggest shops and had a large ...