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Number of results: 160

  • Briefing to the Security Council on the Report of the Secretary-General on the Activities of the United Nations Office for West Africa and t...

    news UNOWAS, 13 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    1 July – 31 December 2016 By Mohamed Ibn Chambas Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNOWAS New York, 13 January 2017 Monsieur le Président, Distingués membres du Conseil, 1. C’est un honneur pour moi de me retrouver devant cette auguste assemblée, pou...
  • The UN Supports a Peaceful, Timely and Orderly Transfert of Power in The Gambia

    news UNOWAS, 17 Dec 2016 (7 years ago )
    THE 50th ORDINARY SUMMIT OF THE ECONOMIC COMMUNITY OF WEST AFRICAN STATES (ECOWAS) Abuja, 17 December 2016 Speech by Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) Your Excellency Madam...
  • Almost half of refugees in Chad going hungry after aid cuts, poor harvests - U.N.

    news Reuters, 30 Nov 2016 (7 years ago )
    By Alex Whiting ROME, Nov 29 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - More than 40 percent of refugee families in Chad are going hungry after their food rations were cut two years ago, forcing many to reduce the number of meals and pushing some into debt, according to United Nations agencies. Chad in ce...
  • In Rwanda, Research Finds Cash Assistance For Refugees Boosts Local Economy For Nearby Communities

    news WFP, 21 Jun 2016 (8 years ago )
    NAIROBI – A new study conducted in Rwanda has found that humanitarian assistance for refugees has a positive impact on the economies of surrounding host communities, and this impact is significantly greater when refugees receive cash transfers rather than food rations to meet their monthly food need...
  • A third of children in poor nations fail to meet mental development milestones: research

    news Thomson Reuters Foundation, 07 Jun 2016 (8 years ago )
    By Lin Taylor LONDON, June 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - One third of young children living in developing nations are failing to meet basic mental development milestones, which could adversely affect their health, success in adulthood, and education levels, researchers said on Tuesday. Near...
  • Le silence de la France sur le sort des militaires tchadiens disparus

    news Le Monde Afrique, 11 May 2016 (8 years ago )
    N’Djamena, capitale du Tchad, est devenue une ville très fréquentée par les politiques français. Fin avril, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, la candidate à la primaire de la droite et du centre qui entreprenait un déplacement de quatre jours auprès de l’armée française, est passée par le Tchad pour une «...
  • In Africa, Examining 'Critical Vulnerabilities' to Terrorism

    news VOA, 11 May 2016 (8 years ago )
    WASHINGTON— U.S. lawmakers examining the threat that terrorism poses in Africa expressed concern Tuesday that the United States may be overlooking human rights and governance abuses by regional leaders who provide assistance on counterterrorism issues. Assistant Secretary of State for African ...
  • Présidentielle au Tchad: Idriss Déby réélu, selon les résultats provisoires

    news RFI, 22 Apr 2016 (8 years ago )
    Au Tchad, les résultats provisoires de l'élection présidentielle du 10 avril sont tombés. Le président sortant Idriss Déby Itno est réélu au premier tour avec 61,56% des suffrages exprimés. La participation s’élève à 76,11%. Laoukein Kourayo Médard est sans doute la révélation de ce scrutin. Le m...
  • UPDATE 2-Chadian President Deby re-elected in landslide first-round victory

    news Reuters Africa, 22 Apr 2016 (8 years ago )
    (Adds quote from Deby spokesman) N'DJAMENA, April 21 (Reuters) - Chad's incumbent president, Idriss Deby, an important ally of the West in the fight against Islamist militants, won a fifth term in office in a lopsided first-round victory, the Central African country's elections commission announc...
  • Portrait d’Idriss Déby

    news BBC Afrique, 22 Apr 2016 (8 years ago )
    Idriss Déby est né en 1952 à Fada dans le Nord du Tchad. Après un Baccalauréat scientifique, Déby entre à l'école d'officiers d'active de N'djamena, la promotion de 1975-1976. Il intègre ensuite l'Institut Aéronautique d'Amaury la Grange de Hazebruk en France. Devenu Pilote de transport, diplômé par...