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Number of results: 160

  • A New Home and a Helping Hand

    news Kora - Voices of Refugees in West and Central Africa, 14 Jun 2015 (9 years ago )
    After fleeing violence in the Central African Republic, Jacob’s family find a new home in Chad, where generous locals have greeted them warmly. Time seems to have stopped in Dilingala, a sleepy farming village in southern Chad. But for many local residents, including 40-year-old Nicolas, life is ...
  • Chad: Act Alliance Appeal - Assistance to Improve the Resilience and Livelihood of Car and Sudanese Refugees and Returnees, and Host Communi...

    news Thompson Reuters Foundation, 02 Mar 2015 (9 years ago )
    Chad is one of the poorest countries in the world, ranking 184 out of 187 on the Human Development Index and 5th on the Fragile States Index. On top of these facts, the country is affected by conflicts in neighboring countries, notably Central African Republic, Sudan, Nigeria and Libya. Since 2004, ...
  • UN: WFP delivers food to thousands of refugees on Nigeria-Chad border

    news PANAPRESS, 24 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    New York, US - The UN World Food Programme (WFP) has begun distributing food to thousands of refugees who were recently displaced by the escalating Nigeria's terror group, Boko Haram violence and urged that it required some US$11 million to continue to meet those needs. WFP spokesperson Ms. Elis...
  • Nourrir les déplacés du Tchad

    news Paris Match, 11 Jul 2014 (10 years ago )
    Depuis Janvier 2014, le manque de financement des bailleurs de fond a poussé le Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM) à réduire de 60% les rations alimentaires dans les camps de réfugiés Centrafricains installés au Tchad. Dans la région de Goré - au Sud du Tchad - alors que certains déplacés, installé...
  • Des étudiants centrafricains continuent leurs études en exil au Tchad

    news UNHCR, 19 May 2014 (10 years ago )
    N'DJAMENA, Tchad, 12 mai (HCR) – Lors de l'éruption du conflit en République centrafricaine en décembre dernier, Moussa, âgé de 30 ans, étudiait le droit à l'Université de Bangui. « Je voulais défendre les gens », se rappelle-t-il six mois après, depuis le Tchad voisin, ajoutant qu'avec la dégrad...
  • Central African students pursue their studies in Chad exile

    news UNHCR, 19 May 2014 (10 years ago )
    News Stories, 12 May 2014 N'DJAMENA, Chad, May 12 (UNHCR) – When the latest round of conflict in Central African Republic erupted last December, 30-year-old Moussa was studying law at Bangui University. "I wanted to defend people," he recalls six months later in neighbouring Chad, adding that ...
  • CAR refugees have little in their pockets, but bring skills and enterprise

    news UNHCR, 18 Apr 2014 (10 years ago )
    GORE, Chad, 11 April (UNHCR) – Asia* and her family had no time to pack their belongings. "I had to spend most of my cash, 10,000 FCFA (about USD 20), to get to Chad. We had nothing when we arrived and I had to feed my children," she says. Since early 2013, an estimated 23,000 refugees from the C...
  • Skilled Central African workers, students and professionals find shelter in Chad

    news UNHCR, 18 Apr 2014 (10 years ago )
    N'DJAMENA, Chad, March 5 (UNHCR) – In the past three months, the government of Chad has evacuated about 16,000 people to N'Djamena from the Central African Republic amid mounting violence and religious persecution in the neighbouring country. Most of those brought to the Chad capital have been Ch...
  • "Des réfugiés centrafricains démunis mettent à profit leurs compétences et leur dynamisme"

    news UNHCR, 18 Apr 2014 (10 years ago )
    GORE, Tchad, 14 avril (HCR) – Asia* et sa famille n'ont pas eu le temps de faire leurs bagages. « J'ai dépensé passer la plupart de mon argent, soit 10 000 FCFA (environ 20 dollars), pour rejoindre le Tchad. Nous n'avions rien quand nous sommes arrivés et je devais nourrir mes enfants », dit-elle. ...
  • Thousands flee violence in Central African Republic and seek shelter in in southern Chad

    news UNHCR, 21 Feb 2014 (10 years ago )
    BEKONINGA, Chad, February 17 (UNHCR) – As the humanitarian situation deteriorates in Central African Republic, thousands of traumatized and confused people have been fleeing to towns and villages across neighbouring southern Chad. At the border crossing of Bekoninga, a crowd of mostly women and c...